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Somiranjan Ghosh, PHD

Associate Professor

  • Pediatrics & Child Health
  • Graduate School



Ghosh S., Hazra AK. and Mukherjee B., A Novel Process for the Extraction of Non-toxic Oil Having High EPA & DHA Content from the Livers of Marine Non-Edible Fishes, (Indian Patent No. AA-2468).


Ghosh S., Hazra A. K., Mitra S. K., and Mukherjee B., Poisonous Fishes: Potential Begetter of Bioactive Substances in Nutrients and Bioactive Substances in Aquatic Organisms “, Ed.  K. Devadasan et al, Society of Fisheries Technologists (India), Cochin, p 44-58, 1994.


Mondal T, Loffredo CA, Simhadri J, Nunlee-Bland G, Korba B, Johnson J, Cotin S, Moses G, Quartey R, Howell CD, Noreen Z, Arif M, Ghosh S. Insights on the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes as revealed by signature genomic classifiers in an African American population in the Washington, DC area.  Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2023 Jan;39(1):e3589. doi: 10.1002/dmrr.3589. Epub 2022 Nov 11. PMID: 36331813

Arif M, Mondal T, Majeed A, Loffredo CA, Korba BE, Ghosh S. Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-α (PPARα) Expression in a Clinical Population of Pakistani Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Dyslipidemia. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Sep 16;23(18):10847. doi: 10.3390/ijms231810847. PMID: 36142760 Free PMC article.

London LY, Ayuk MA, Black AC, Cheung L, Robinson DM, Thomas DN, Warner MH, Allen AD, Ghosh S, Gugssa A, Ullah H, Bassey GB, Fernando LM, Moore MM, Oliver JJ, Irabor EG, Roy SD, Quagraine BK, Smith M; Howard University SEA-PHAGES Students; Anderson WA, Robinson CJ. Complete Genome Sequences of Mycobacteriophages SynergyX, Abinghost, Bananafish, and Delton. Microbiol Resour Announc. 2022 Aug 18;11(8):e0028622. doi: 10.1128/mra.00286-22. Epub 2022 Jul 11. PMID: 35863046.

Mondal T, Loffredo CA, Trnovec T, Palkovicova Murinova L, Noreen Z, Nnanabu T, Conka K, Drobna B, Ghosh S. Gene expression signatures in PCB-exposed Slovak children in relation to their environmental exposures and socio-physical characteristics. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2022 Aug;29(40):60531-60541. doi: 10.1007/s11356-022-20018-2. Epub 2022 Apr 14. PMID: 35420343

Krauss C, Aurelus C, Johnston K, Hedley J, Banerjee S, Wisniewski S, Reaves Q, Dia K, Brown S, Bartlet V, Gavin S, Cuffee J, Banerjee N, Rawat K, Mandal S, Abedin Z, Ghosh S, Banerjee H. A Study of Differential Gene Expression and Core Canonical Pathways Involved in Rhenium Ligand Treated Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) Induced A549 Lung Cancer Cell Lines by INGENUITY Software System. Comput Mol Biosci. 2022 Mar;12(1):12-19. doi: 10.4236/cmb.2022.121002. Epub 2022 Mar 7. PMID: 35342659

Tailor K, Paul J, Ghosh S, Kumari N, Kwabi-Addo B. RASAL2 suppresses the proliferative and invasive ability of PC3 prostate cancer cells. Oncotarget. 2021 Dec 21;12(26):2489-2499. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.28158. eCollection 2021 Dec 21. PMID: 34966481

London LY, Ayuk MA, Effiom D, Fashina F, Louis BJ, Tolsma SS, Allen AD, Dickson LA, Ghosh S, Gugssa A, Ullah H, Bassey GB, Fernando LM, Moore MM, Oliver JJ, Irabor EG, Roy SD, Quagraine BK, Smith M; Howard University SEA-PHAGES Students, Anderson WA, Robinson CJ. Complete Genome Sequences of Mycobacteriophages Dallas and Jonghyun. Microbiol Resour Announc. 2021 Jul 8;10(27):e0030421. doi: 10.1128/MRA.00304-21. Epub 2021 Jul 8. PMID: 34236221

Mondal T, Nautiyal A, Ghosh S, Loffredo CA, Mitra D, Saha C, Dey SK.An evaluation of DNA double strand break formation and excreted guanine species post whole-body PET/CT procedure. J Radiat Res. 2021 Jul 10;62(4):590-599. doi: 10.1093/jrr/rrab025. PMID: 34037214

Simhadri JJ, Loffredo CA, Trnovec T, Murinova LP, Nunlee-Bland G, Koppe JG, Schoeters G, Jana SS, Ghosh S. Biomarkers of Metabolic Disorders and Neurobehavioral Diseases in a PCB- Exposed Population: What We Learned and the Implications for Future Research. Environ Res. 2020 Sep 13:110211. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2020.110211

Noreen Z, Loffredo CA, Bhatti A, Simhadri JJ, Nunlee-Bland G, Nnanabu T, John P, Khan JS, Ghosh S. Transcriptional Profiling and Biological Pathway(s) Analysis of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in a Pakistani Population. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Aug 13;17(16):5866.

Banerjee H, Krauss C, Worthington M, Banerjee N, Shawn Walker R, Hodges H, Chen L, Rawat K, Dasgupta S, Ghosh S, Mandal S. Differential expression of efferocytosis and phagocytosis associated genes in tumor associated macrophages exposed to African American patient derived prostate cancer microenvironment. J. Solid. Tumor. 2019; 9(2): 22-27.

Halder D, Saha S, Singh RK, Ghosh I, Mallick D, Dey SK, Ghosh A, Das BB, Ghosh S, Jana SS. Non-muscle myosin IIA and IIB differentially modulate migration and alter gene expression in primary mouse tumorigenic cells. Mol Biol Cell. 2019 30(12):1463-1476.

Noreen Z, DeJesus J, Bhatti A, Loffredo CA, John P, Khan JS, Nunlee-Bland G, Ghosh S. Epidemiological Investigation of Type 2 Diabetes and Alzheimer's Disease in a Pakistani Population.  Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018 Jul 26;15(8). pii: E1582.

Washington K., Ghosh S., Reeves IV., A Review: Molecular Concepts and Common Pathways Involving Vitamin D in the Pathophysiology of Preeclampsia. Open Journal of Obstet. Gynecol., 2018, 8, 198-229.

Ghosh S., Loffredo CA, Mitra PS., Trnovec T, Murinova LP., Sovcikova E., Hoffman EP., Makhambi KH.,  Dutta SK.  PCB exposure and potential future cancer incidence in Slovak children: an assessment from molecular finger printing by Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA®) derived from experimental and epidemiological investigations.  Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2018; 25(17): 16493–16507.

Ghosh S, Dutta S, Thorne G, Boston A, Barfield A, et al. Core Canonical Pathways Involved in Developing Human Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM). International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJSRSET). 2017 February 28; 3(1):458-465.

Ghosh S, Mitra PS, Loffredo CA, Trnovec T, Palkovicova L, Sovcikova E, Ghimbovschi S, Zang S, Hoffman EP, Dutta SK. Transcriptional profiling and biological pathway analysis of human equivalence PCB exposure in vitro: indicator of disease and disorder development in humans. Environmental Res. 138C:202-216, 2015.

Dasmahapatra G. P., Didolkar P., Alley M. C., Ghosh S., Sausville E. A., and Roy K., In Vitro Combination Treatment with Perifosine and UCN01 Demonstrate Synergism against Prostate (PC-3) and Lung (A549) Epithelial Adenocarcinoma Cell Lines. Clinical Cancer Research, 10, 5242-5252, 2004.

Ghosh S, Palkovicova L, Trnovec T, Loffredo CA, Washington K, Mitra PS, Dutta SK, Biomarkers Linking PCB Exposure and Obesity, Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 15 (11), 1058-1068, 2014.

Ghosh S, Trnovec T, Palkovicova L, Hoffman EP, Washington K, Dutta SK. Status of LEPR Gene in PCB-exposed Population: A Quick Look. Int J Hum Genet, 13(1): 27-32, 2013.

Dutta SK, Mitra PS, Ghosh S, Zang S, Sonneborn D, Hertz-Picciotto I, Trnovec T, Palkovicova L, Sovcikova E, Ghimbovschi S, Hoffman EP.  Differential Gene Expression and Functional Analysis of PCB-exposed Children: Understanding Disease and Disorder Development. Environment International 40: 143–154, 2012.

Mitra PS, Ghosh S, Zang S, Sonneborn D, Hertz-Picciotto I, Trnovec T, Palkovicova L, Sovcikova E, Ghimbovschi S, Hoffman EP, Dutta SK., Analysis of the toxicogenomic effects of exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in Slovakian girls: correlations between gene expression and disease risk. Environment International 39: 188–199, 2012.

Ghosh, S., Zang, S., Mitra, P.S., Ghimbovschi, S., Hoffman, E.P., Dutta, S.K. Global gene expression and Ingenuity biological functions analysis on PCBs 153 and 138 induced human PBMC in vitro reveals differential mode(s) of action in developing toxicities Environment International 37: 838-857, 2011.

Ghosh S., De S., Chen Y-Q., Sutton DC., Ayorinde FO., Dutta SK., Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB-153) and (PCB-77) absorption in human liver (HepG2) and kidney (HK2) cells in vitro: PCB levels and cell death. Environment International, 36: 893–900, 2010.

De S., Ghosh S., Chatterjee R., Chen Y-Q, Moses L., Kesari A., Hoffman EP, Dutta SK. PCB congener specific oxidative stress response by microarray analysis using human liver cell line. Environment International, 2010, 36: 907-917, 2010.

Mitra P., Ghosh S., Zang S., Sonneborn D., Hertz-Picciotto I, Trnovec T., Lubica Palkovicova  L., Sovcikova E, Ghimbovschi S., Hoffman EP., Dutta SK., Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP) and their Effect on Gene Expression in Exposed Children, in 2010 Joint Conference of International Society of Exposure Science & International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISES-ISEE 2010) at Seoul, Korea, 28th August-1st September 2010. Epidemiology, Vol. 22 (1) p-S94, 2011.

Dutta SK., Mitra P. , Ghosh S., Zang S., Sonneborn D., Hertz-Picciotto I, Trnovec T., Palkovicova  L., Sovcikova E, Ghimbovschi S., Hoffman EP., Gene Expression Analysis of PCB exposed Children: Understanding Toxicity and Disease Process, in 2010 Joint Conference of International Society of Exposure Science & International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISES-ISEE 2010) at Seoul, Korea, 28th August-1st September 2010. Epidemiology, Vol. 22 (1) p-S33, 2011.

Dutta S, Ghosh S, Zang S, Trnovec T, Palkovicova L, Sovcikova E, et al. 2009. Identification of Early Disease Biomarkers in 45 Months PCB-Exposed Slovak Population [Abstract]. In ISEE 21st Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland, August 25-29, 2009. Epidemiology, Volume 20(6): 6-pS131;

Ghosh S, Dutta S, Zang S, Trnovec T, Palkovicova L, Sovcikova E, et al. 2009. PCB Exposure PCB Exposure In Vitro (PBMC): Differential Gene Expression, Pathway Analysis for Possible Mode(s) of Actions, and Disease Development in Comparison with PCB-Exposed Slovak Population In ISEE 21st Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland, August 25-29, Epidemiology, Volume 20(6): p S130, 2009.

Dutta SK., Ghosh S., De S, Hoffman EP. CYP1A1 and MT1K are Congener Specific Biomarker Genes for Liver Diseases Induced by PCBs. Environ. Toxicol. Pharmacol., 25, 218-221, 2008.

Ghosh S, De S, Dutta SK., Altered Protein Expressions in Chronic PCB-153 Induced Human Liver (HepG2) cells. Int. J. Toxicol., 26, 203-212, 2007

Chen YQ, De S., Ghosh S., Dutta SK, Congener Specific Polychlorinated Biphenyl-Induced Cell Death in Human Kidney Cells In Vitro: Potential Role of Caspase. Inter. J. Toxicol., 25, 1-7, 2006.

De S., Ghosh S., Dutta SK., Congener specific polychlorinated biphenyl metabolism by human intestinal microbe Clostridium species: Comparison with human liver cell line-HepG2. Ind. J. Microbiol., 46, 191-199, September 2006.

Ghosh S, Hazra A. K., Banerjee S., and Mukherjee B., Ecological monitoring for ascertaining the biosafety of liver lipids from some Indian marine puffer fishes. Fisheries Science 71(1), 29-37, 2005.

Ghosh, S., Hazra, A.K., Banerjee, S. and Mukherjee, B., The seasonal toxicological profile of four puffer fish species collected along Bengal coast. India, Indian J. Mar. Sci., 33(3), 276-280, 2004.

Ghosh S., Hazra A. K., Banerjee S., Mukherjee B., The Multifaceted Health Benefits of Fish Oil. Science and Culture, 69 (9-10), 326-330, 2003.

Banerjee S., Ghosh S., Hazra A. K., Dutta P., Besra S. E., Vedasiromoni R., Bhattacharyya D. Mukherjee B.  Puffer Toxin: Unusual Molecular Structure, in the Proceedings of Asian Symposium on Medicinal Plants and Species (ASOMPS X), Dhaka, November 18-23, 149-159, 2000.

Hazra A. K., Ghosh S., Banerjee S., and Mukherjee B., Studies on Lipid and Fatty Acid Compositions of Puffer Liver from Indian Coastal waters with Seasonal Variation. J. Am. Oil. Chem. Soc., 75(1), p1673-1678, 1998.

Abstracts and Presentation:

Forbes C, Miller T, Green HJ, Manning DK, Allni Miller, Woods G., Noreen Z, Loffredo CA, Nunlee-Bland G, Simhadri JI, Bhatti A, Ghosh S.  Do Type 2 Diabetes and Alzheimer’s Disease Pathogenesis Shared Any Gene Expressions? Lesson Learned through High-Throughput Taqman Low density Array (TLDA). In First Annual Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Program, Capacity Competitiveness Enhancement Model (CCEM) Conference, Washington DC, Oct. 28, 2019.

Jennings TA, Noreen Z, Green HJ, Manning DK, Miller A , Bhatti A, Loffredo CA, Nunlee-Bland G, Simhadri J Ghosh S. Differential Gene Expression in Type 2 Diabetes and Alzheimer’s Disease Patients of Pakistani by Taqman Low Density Array (TLDA): A Snapshot. In Proceedings of the Howard University Research Symposium, Washington DC, April 12, 2019.pp 39.

Ramsahoye M, Noreen Z, Nnanabu T, Vilmenay K., DeJesus J, Loffredo CA, Nunlee-Bland G, Ghosh S. Molecular Transcriptomics by Taqman Low Density Array (TLDA) Revealing Gene Expressions in African-Americans with Type 2 Diabetes in Washington, D.C. in 2018 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students () Conference, November 14-17, 2018, Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis, IN.

Abiona O, Allen A, Ghosh S, Smith M, Robinson C, Ullah H. The Isolation, Purification, and Characterization of Phage Razza. in 2018 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students () Conference, November 14-17, 2018, Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis, IN.

Kayla Johnston et al., A Study of Differential Gene Expression by Tumor Associated Macrophages(tam) in the Tumor Microenvironment(tme). in 2018 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students () Conference, November 14-17, 2018, Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis, IN.

Nnanabu T, Vilmenay K, Noreen Z, Ramsahoye M, DeJesus J, Loffredo CA, Nunlee-Bland G, Ghosh S. Snapshot on the Specificity of Selective Genetic Signatures (Biomarker Genes) for Type 2 Diabetes among Different Ethnic Populations. In 2018 MEDICAL STUDENT SUMMER RESEARCH PROGRAM (MSSRP) Symposium, August 5, 2018, Howard University Hospital, Washington DC.

Ramsahoye M, Noreen Z, Nnanabu T, Vilmenay K., DeJesus J, Loffredo CA,Nunlee-Bland G,  Ghosh S. Gene-Expressions in African-Americans with Type 2 Diabetes around Washington, D.C. in  2018 Annual Summer Research Symposium of Washington Baltimore Hampton Roads Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (WBHR-LSAMP), July 26, 2018, Virginia State University, Petersburg, VA.

Noreen Z, Loffredo CA, Nunlee-Bland G., Apmy FR, Saad MT, Bhatti A, Ghosh S. Type 2 Diabetes & Alzheimer’s Disease in Pakistani Population, in RCMI Translational Science Conference 2017, Oct. 28-Nov. 1, 2017, Washington DC, USA.

Shakoori A, Trnovec T, Murinova (Palkovicova) L, Sovcikova E, Mitra PS, Dutta SK, Sonneborn D, Hertz-Picciott I, Hoffman EP, Loffredo CA,  Ghosh S. Organochlorine Exposures and Neurobehavioral Disorder in Slovak Children: A Proof of Concept through Molecular Transcriptomics. In Proceedings of the Howard University Research Symposium, Washington DC, April 13, 2017.pp 57.

Banerjee HN, Hodge S, Kahan W, Mandal S, Weber D, Lapidus R, Ghosh S. A study of in vitro and in vivo effects of a novel peptide and rhenium compounds on prostate cancer. In Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research. American Association of Cancer Research; 2017 April 01; Washington DC, DC, USA.; c2017.

Walker R, Banerjee N, Kahan W, Parotti B, Bell D, Ghosh S, Sarkar F, Banerjee H.  A study to investigate the differential expression of noncoding MiRNA and their target genes in the transcriptome of prostate cancer derived from African American and Caucasian Patients. In 2016 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) [037], 2016, Nov. 9-12; Tampa, FL.

Ghosh S, Loffredo CA, Mitra PS, Trnovec T, Palkovicova Murinova L, Sovcikova E, Hoffman EP, Dutta SK. PCBs exposure and future cancer incidences in Slovak children: An assessment from molecular fingerprinting through experimental and epidemiological investigation. In 9th PCB International PCB Workshop, Oct. 9-12, 2016, Kobe, Japan.

Ghosh S, Loffredo CA, Mitra PS, Trnovec T, Palkovicova Murinova L, Sovcikova E, Hoffman EP, Dutta SK. Future Possibilities of Cancer Incidences in PCBs-exposed Children of Slovakia: An assessment from experimental and epidemiological gene expression studies. In Howard University Research Week Presentation, Washington DC, April 14, 2016.pp 26-27 (online:

Mitra PS, Ghosh S, Dutta SK. Toxicogenomics of Environmental Chemical Exposures: Disease Risk in Human. In Molecular Simulation & Design, System Biology, Genomics, and Big Data at Advancing Computational Biology @ Howard University Symposium, Washington DC, March 26, 2014.

Ghosh S., Mitra PS., Malve P. Trnovec T., Palkovicova L., Sovcikova E., Hertz-Picciotto I., Sonneborn D., Ghimbovschi S., Hoffman EP., Dutta SK. Biomarkers of Metabolic Disorders Leading to Obesity and Type II Diabetes for Environmental PCBs Exposures. Presented in 7th PCB Workshop, Arcachon, France; 27-31 May 2012.

Ghosh S., Mitra PS., Malve P. Trnovec T., Palkovicova L., Sovcikova E., Hertz-Picciotto I., Sonneborn D., Ghimbovschi S., Hoffman EP., Dutta SK. Validation of Signature Biomarkers by High-Throughput Taqman® Low Density Array (TLDA) in PCB-exposed Population. in Abstracts of the 2011 Conference of the International Society of Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE).13-16 September, Barcelona; Research Triangle Park, NC: Environmental Health Perspectives;

Ghosh S., Mitra PS., Trnovec T., Palkovicova L., Sovcikova E., Sonneborn D., Hertz-Picciotto I., Ghimbovschi S., Hoffman EP., Dutta SK. Early Disease and Disorder Biomarkers in PCB-exposed Slovak Population: A Genomic Approach, 6th International PCB Workshop, Visby Sweden, May 30th – June 2nd, 2010 (Oral Presentation).

Dutta SK,  Ghosh S, Mitra PS, Sonneborn D, Hertz-Picciotto I, Trnovec T, Horska A, Palkovicova L, Sovcikova E, Ghimbovschi S, Hoffman EP, Early Disease Biomarkers of PCB-exposed Human Population, Exposure Biology Program, 3rd  Annual Grantee Meeting, January 26-27, 2010, Bethesda, MD.

Mitra P., Ghosh S., Dutta, SK.  Complexity and Challenges to Establish the Disease Biomarkers for PCB exposed Human Population.  Accelerating Development and Advancing Personalized Therapy (ADAPT) Congress Conference.  Washington DC, 22nd - 25th September 2009.

Ghosh S., Dutta SK., Zang S., Trnovec T., Palkovicova L., Sovcikova E., Ghimbovschi S., Eric P. Hoffman EP.,  PCB Exposure in vitro (PBMC): Differential Gene Expression, Pathway Analysis for Possible Mode(s) of Actions, and Disease Development in Comparison with PCB-exposed Slovak Population, International Society of Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE) 2009, Dublin, 25th – 29th August 2009.

Dutta SK., Ghosh S., Zang S., Trnovec T., Palkovicova L., Sovcikova E., Sonneborn D., Hetz-Picciotto I.,  Ghimbovschi S., Eric P. Hoffman EP.,  Identification of Early Disease Biomarkers in 45 Months PCB-exposed Slovak Population, ISEE 2009, Dublin, 25th – 29th August 2009.

Dutta SK,  Ghosh S, Zang S, Sonneborn D, Hertz-Picciotto I, Trnovec T, Horska A, Palkovicova L, Sovcikova E, Ghimbovschi S, Hoffman EP, Early Disease Biomarkers of PCB-exposed Human Population, Exposure Biology Program, 2nd  Annual Grantee Meeting, January 13-15, 2009, Bethesda, MD.

Ghosh S.  Gene Environment Interaction: Effort to Develop Early Disease Biomarker in PCB-exposed Human Population.  in New Direction and Advances in Biological and Chemical Exposure Assessment for Epidemiological Risk Assessment (Workshop). University of California at Barkley, LA, July 10-11, 2008 (Invited Lecture).

Dutta SK., Ghosh S., Chatterjee R., Chen Y-Q., De S.,  Zang S., Kesari A., Moses L., Hoffman EP., Differential Gene Expression Profiling of kidney (HK-2 cell) Induced by PCBs, 5th PCB Workshop, New Knowledge Gained from Old Pollutant, 18-22nd May 2008, Iowa City, Iowa.

Ghosh S., De S., Chen Y-Q., Sutton DC., Ayorinde FO., Dutta SK., Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB-153) and (PCB-77) absorptions in Human Liver (HepG2) and Kidney (Hk2) Cells in vitro: PCB Levels and Cell Death, 5th PCB Workshop, New Knowledge Gained from Old Pollutant, 18-22nd May 2008, Iowa City, Iowa.

Dutta SK., Ghosh S., Chatterjee R., Zang S., Sonneborn D., Hertz-Picciotto I., Trnovec T., Palkovicova L., Hoffman EP., PCB-exposed Human Population: Search for Potential Genomic Biomarkers, 5th PCB Workshop, New Knowledge Gained from Old Pollutant, 18-22nd May 2008, Iowa City, Iowa.

De S., Ghosh S., Chatterjee R., Chen Y-Q, Moses L., Kesari A., Hoffman EP., Dutta SK., PCB Induced Congener Specific Oxidative Stress Response by Microarray Analysis using Human Liver Cell Line, 5th PCB Workshop, New Knowledge Gained from Old Pollutant, 18-22nd May 2008, Iowa City, Iowa.

Dutta SK,  Ghosh S, Chatterjee R, Zang S, Sonneborn D, Hertz-Picciotto I, Trnovec T, Horska A, Palkovicova L, Sovcikova E, Ghimbovschi S, Hoffman EP, Early Disease Biomarkers of PCB-exposed Human Population, Exposure Biology Program, 1st Annual Grantee Meeting, January 24-25, 2008, Bethesda, MD.

Dutta SK, Ghosh S., Chen YQ, De S, Moses L, Hoffman EP, Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) from Air and Food could Induce Liver Diseases in Human: Cytochrome P450 (CYP1A1) and Metallothionein (MT1K) are Candidate Genomic Biomarkers, SERDP-ESTCP Training & Workshop 2006, Washington DC, November 28-30, 2006.

Ghosh S, De S, Dutta SK., Chronic exposures of PCB and Carcinogenicity:  Molecular approach to address this controversy, The 4th PCB Workshop, Zakopane, Poland, September 6-10, 2006.

Dutta SK, Ghosh S., Chen YQ, De S, Moses L, Hoffman EP, PCB Induced Gene Expression by Microarray Analysis in Human Cells In Vitro: Development of Genomic Markers, The 4th PCB Workshop, Zakopane, Poland, September 6-10, 2006.

Dutta SK, Ghosh S, De S. Chen YQ, Hoffman EP, Human Organ Specific In vitro Assessment Through Expression Profiling, Invited speaker in the World Biomarker Summit, Philadelphia, 26-28 Sept 2005.

Dutta SK, Ghosh S, De S, Chen YQ, Moses L, Kesari A, Ayorinde FO, Hoffman EP,  Genome-wide Search of Biomarkers for Human Renal and Liver Injuries Caused by PCBs: Tissue and Congener Specificity, Post Genomic Summit (PGS) 2006, Beijing, China, May 17-19, 2006.

Ghosh, S., De S, Chen YQ, Dutta SK, Controversies on Chronic Exposures of PCBs: Molecular Toxicogenomics Approach, Post Genomic Summit (PGS) 2006, Beijing, China, May 17-19, 2006.

S. Ghosh, S. De, Y. E. Chen, A. Shaffagati,  O. Omorogbe, F. Ayorinde, and S. K. Dutta, PCB 153 Metabolism in Human Cell Line HepG2(Liver) and Hk2 (Kidney) in vitro and in Microflora of Human Relevance, Proceedings of the  ASM 105th Annual Meeting 2005, Georgia, Atlanta, 5-9 June 2005.

Y.Q. Chen, S. De, L. Moses, E. Hoffman, S. Ghosh, and S. K. Dutta, Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Induced Gene Expression Profiling in Human Kidney Cells. Proceedings of the ASM 105th Annual Meeting 2005, Georgia, Atlanta, 5-9 June 2005. p427

S. De, S. Ghosh, Y-Q Chen, L. Moses, E. P. Hoffman, S. K. Dutta, PCB induced gene expressions in Human Liver Cells. Proceedings of the ASM 105th Annual Meeting 2005, Georgia, Atlanta, 5-9 June 2005. p427

Banerjee S., Ghosh S., Hazra A. K., Seal T., Vedosiromoni R., Dutta P., Besra S. E., and Mukherjee B., Puffer Fish Toxin: Molecular Architecture, Invited Lecture, 90th ISCA, Bangalore, 1-8 January 2003.

Ghosh S., Hazra A. K., Banerjee S, Mukherjee B., Ecological Importance of Indian Marine Puffers, in Asian Symposium on Medicinal  Plants and Species (ASOMPS X), Abst. No. PP 42, p 226, Dhaka, November 18, 2000.

Banerjee S., Ghosh S., Hazra A. K., Dutta P., Besra S. E., Vedasiromoni R., Bhattacharyya D. Mukherjee B., Puffer Fish Toxin: Unusual Molecular Structure, in Asian Symposium on Medicinal Plants and Species (ASOMPS X), Abst. No. IL 40, p 59, Dhaka, November 18, 2000.

Ghosh S., Hazra A. K., Banerjee S., Sur T.,  Mukherjee B.,  Hypolipidemic Activity of Puffer Liver Oil on experimentally Induced Hyperlipidemic Rabbit, in the International Congress on “Frontiers in Pharmacology and Therapeutics in 21st Century”, p-136, 1-4 December, New Delhi, 1999.

Banerjee S, Ghosh S., Hazra A. K., Bhattacharyya D. and Mukherjee B., Isolation of Toxic Principle from Indian Marine Puffers, in the international congress on “Frontiers in Pharmacology and Therapeutics in 21st Century”, p-141, 1-4 December, New Delhi, 1999.

Hazra A. K., Ghosh S., Banerjee S., Mukherjee B., Bioactivity of the Compounds Isolated from Indian Marine Puffers, in the International Symposium 20th IUPAC Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products, Abst.  No. BO-37, September 15-20, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 1996.

Ghosh S., Hazra A. K., Bannerjee S., Sur T.K., Chakraborty R., Roy N. M. and  Mukherjee B., Indian Marine Puffers: Alternative Source of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFA), in  64th Annual Meeting of Society of Biological Chemists (INDIA),  Abs. # 149/P1E24, Page 94, October 6-8, Lucknow, India, 1995.

Ghosh S., Hazra AK., Chakraborty R., Roy NM. Mukherjee B., Hypolipidemic Agents From Marine Sources with Special Reference to Poisonous Fishes", in Asian Symposium on Medicinal Plants and  Species (ASOMPS VIII), Abst. No. CP 16D, Malaysia, June 12-16, 1994.

Hazra AK., Ghosh S., Basak S., Sadhukhan RK., Chakraborty SL., Mukherjee B., Puffer Fish Toxin: The Intriguing Nature, in the international seminar "Traditional Medicine:  A challenge to  The Twenty First Century", Abst. No. 9.24, Nov. 7-9, Calcutta, 1992.

Education & Expertise


BS (Zoology, Major)

Calcutta University, Kolkata, India

Marine Science

Calcutta Univesrity, Kolkata, India

Marine Phramacology & Drug Development

University College Of Medicine, Calcutta University, Kolkata, India


National Institute of Health (NIH), Bethesda, USA


Exposure Biology, Genes and Gene Expression, Biomarkers and Validation, Type 2 Diabetes, Alzheimer's Disease, Heath Disparity

Dr Sghosh completed his Graduate Studies from Calcutta University, India, before he joins National Cancer Institute/NIH, Bethesda, where he completed his postdoctoral research. I moved to Howard University, Washington DC, and started working at Biology Department, with an additional position of Assistant Professor at the in the Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, College of Medicine at Howard University. He is an exposure biologist/scientist with more than 20 years working experience in Academics.  As evidence of my accomplishments, I hold 1 patent, and I published 35+ research papers in peer-reviewed journals, with numerous national and international presentations.  I am also an in the Editorial Board of 16 Journals. I am also the also the Lead PI of a recently funded NIGMS-RCMI RO1 and NCI P-20 projects to advance the identification and understanding of the role of Type 2 Diabetes in African American population of USA determining the their health and disease (Gene Environment Interactions, GxE), provide fresh perspectives, and bring new understanding to problems in environmental health through application of innovative knowledge and problem-solving technologies.




Exposure Biology, Genes and Gene-expression, Biomarker Discovery and Validation, Health Disparity Research


  1. *NIMHD-RCMI-CENTER GRANT- (RO1) - Molecular and Genetic Signatures of Perturbed Diabetic Pathways with Hepatitis C Virus infection and co-morbidity risks in African American Population. This project investigates the possible mechanisms by which HCV infection may contribute to the development of diabetes, beyond that attributable to chronic liver disease alone, and identify potential new targets for treatment, management, and prevention of T2DM for this minority AA population, thereby contributing positively to the mission of HU-RCMI Center on health disparity issues. ($ 1,100,000). Role: Principal Investigator (Lead/Contact PI), (2019-2024) 
  2. *NCI/NIH (P-20) (Pilot Project) - Howard-Georgetown Collaborative Partnership In Cancer Research-Fatty Liver Disease in African Americans.  The overall objective is to identify candidate genes and genetic pathways associated with NAFLD, and fill the knowledge gaps of this extreme health disparity issue among AA around the Washington DC region and to shed new light on possible mechanisms by which NAFLD may contribute to the dysregulation of important pre-cancer pathways. In turn, such knowledge will foster the identification of potential avenues for treatment and prevention for this minority population. ($ 372,163.00), Role: Principal Investigator (Lead/Contact PI), Loffredo CA (MPI), Howell C (MPI), (2019-2024).
  3. *NIMHD-RCMI-P3 (PILOT Study) - Developing a gene expression signature for type 2 diabetes in a low environmental exposure setting: This pilot proposal is to bring together clinical and basic investigators from Georgetown University (GU), Howard University and Howard University Hospital (HU&H) to find out whether our signature metabolic disorder biomarkers are unique or are generic, i.e. are observable in the local Washington DC population. ($ 100,000). Role: Principal Investigator (Lead/Contact PI), (2017-2020)
  4. *NIH-UO1 project (Early Disease Biomarkers for PCB-exposed Human Population): This is a  funded collaborative project with Slovak Medical University and University of California at Davis to develop early disease biomarker using highly PCB-exposed human population ($1.872 Million) Role: Co-Investigator.  
  5. *Equipment Grant (LC-ESI-TOF/MS) from Agilent Technologies (Loan Program):  The major objectives of this proposal are to identify, recruit and train future leaders in high-profile science and mathematics areas. (2006-2008). Ayorinde (PI), ($, 800,000.00) Role –Co-Investigator.

Group Information

  1. Prof. Christopher A. Loffredo, PhD, Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA.
  2. Prof. Brent Korba, PhD,  Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA.
  3. Dr. Kepher H. Makambi, PhD,  Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA.
  4. Dr. Tomas Trnovec, MD, DSC, Slovak Medical University, Slovakia.
  5. Dr. Lubica Murinova (Palkovicova), MD, PhD, Slovak Medical University, Slovakia.
  6. Prof. Greet Schoeters, PhD, VITO, Mol. Belgium.
  7. Dr. Gail Nunlee-Bland, MD, Diabetes Treatment Center (DTC), Howard University, Washington DC.
  8. Dr. Attya Bhatti, PhD, ASAB, National University for Sciences & Technology, Pakistan.
  9. Dr. Vijay Chnadra, MD, Paras Hospital, New delhi India.
  10. Prof. Siddhartha S. Jana, PhD, IACS, Kolkata, India.
  11. Dr. Charles D. Howell, MD, Howard University Hospital, Washington DC.
  12. Dr. Jyothirmai Simhadri, PhD, Pediatrics & Child health, Howard University Hospital, Washington DC.

Published Articles and Presentations

Published Articles and Presentations

PATENT:Ghosh S., Hazra AK. and Mukherjee B., A Novel Process for the Extraction of Non-toxic Oil Having High EPA & DHA Content from the Livers of Marine Non-Edible Fishes, (Indian Patent No. AA-2468).In BOOK:Ghosh S., Hazra A. K., Mitra S. K. and Mukherjee B., Poisonous Fishes: Potential Begetter of Bioactive Substances in Nutrients and Bioactive Substances in Aquatic Organisms “, Ed.  K. Devadasan et al, Society of Fisheries Technologists (India), Cochin, p 44-58, 1994.Publications:Simhadri JJ, Loffredo CA, Trnovec T, Murinova LP, Nunlee-Bland G, Koppe JG, Schoeters G, Jana SS, Ghosh S. Biomarkers of Metabolic Disorders and Neurobehavioral Diseases in a PCB- Exposed Population: What We Learned and the Implications for Future Research. Environ Res. 2020 Sep 13:110211. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2020.110211Noreen Z, Loffredo CA, Bhatti A, Simhadri JJ, Nunlee-Bland G, Nnanabu T, John P, Khan JS, Ghosh S. Transcriptional Profiling and Biological Pathway(s) Analysis of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in a Pakistani Population. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Aug 13;17(16):5866.Banerjee H, Krauss C, Worthington M, Banerjee N, Shawn Walker R, Hodges H, Chen L, Rawat K, Dasgupta S, Ghosh S, Mandal S. Differential expression of efferocytosis and phagocytosis associated genes in tumor associated macrophages exposed to African American patient derived prostate cancer microenvironment. J. Solid. Tumor. 2019; 9(2): 22-27.Halder D, Saha S, Singh RK, Ghosh I, Mallick D, Dey SK, Ghosh A, Das BB, Ghosh S, Jana SS. Non-muscle myosin IIA and IIB differentially modulate migration and alter gene expression in primary mouse tumorigenic cells. Mol Biol Cell. 2019 30(12):1463-1476.Noreen Z, DeJesus J, Bhatti A, Loffredo CA, John P, Khan JS, Nunlee-Bland G, Ghosh S. Epidemiological Investigation of Type 2 Diabetes and Alzheimer's Disease in a Pakistani Population.  Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018 Jul 26;15(8). pii: E1582.Washington K., Ghosh S., Reeves IV., A Review: Molecular Concepts and Common Pathways Involving Vitamin D in the Pathophysiology of Preeclampsia. Open Journal of Obstet. Gynecol., 2018, 8, 198-229.Ghosh S., Loffredo CA,  Mitra PS., Trnovec T,  Murinova LP., Sovcikova E., Hoffman EP., Makhambi KH.,  Dutta SK.  PCB exposure and potential future cancer incidence in Slovak children: an assessment from molecular finger printing by Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA®) derived from experimental and epidemiological investigations.  Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2018; 25(17): 16493–16507.Ghosh S, Dutta S, Thorne G, Boston A, Barfield A, et al. Core Canonical Pathways Involved in Developing Human Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM). International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJSRSET). 2017 February 28; 3(1):458-465.Ghosh S, Mitra PS, Loffredo CA, Trnovec T, Palkovicova L, Sovcikova E, Ghimbovschi S, Zang S, Hoffman EP, Dutta SK. Transcriptional profiling and biological pathway analysis of human equivalence PCB exposure in vitro: indicator of disease and disorder development in humans.. Environmental Res. 138C:202-216, 2015.Dasmahapatra G. P., Didolkar P., Alley M. C., Ghosh S., Sausville E. A. and Roy K., In Vitro Combination Treatment with Perifosine and UCN01 Demonstrate Synergism against Prostate (PC-3) and Lung (A549) Epithelial Adenocarcinoma Cell Lines. Clinical Cancer Research, 10, 5242-5252, 2004.Ghosh S, Palkovicova L, Trnovec T, Loffredo CA, Washington K, Mitra PS, Dutta SK, Biomarkers Linking PCB Exposure and Obesity, Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 15 (11), 1058-1068, 2014.Ghosh S, Trnovec T, Palkovicova L, Hoffman EP, Washington K, Dutta SK. Status of LEPR Gene in PCB-exposed Population: A Quick Look. Int J Hum Genet, 13(1): 27-32, 2013.Dutta SK, Mitra PS,  Ghosh S, Zang S, Sonneborn D, Hertz-Picciotto I, Trnovec T, Palkovicova L, Sovcikova E, Ghimbovschi S, Hoffman EP.  Differential Gene Expression and Functional Analysis of PCB-exposed Children: Understanding Disease and Disorder Development. Environment International 40: 143–154, 2012.Mitra PS, Ghosh S, Zang S, Sonneborn D, Hertz-Picciotto I, Trnovec T, Palkovicova L, Sovcikova E, Ghimbovschi S, Hoffman EP, Dutta SK., Analysis of the toxicogenomic effects of exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in Slovakian girls: correlations between gene expression and disease risk. Environment International 39: 188–199, 2012.Ghosh, S., Zang, S., Mitra, P.S., Ghimbovschi, S., Hoffman, E.P., Dutta, S.K. Global gene expression and Ingenuity biological functions analysis on PCBs 153 and 138 induced human PBMC in vitro reveals differential mode(s) of action in developing toxicities Environment International 37: 838-857, 2011.Ghosh S., De S., Chen Y-Q., Sutton DC., Ayorinde FO., Dutta SK., Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB-153) and (PCB-77) absorption in human liver (HepG2) and kidney (HK2) cells in vitro: PCB levels and cell death. Environment International, 36: 893–900, 2010.De S., Ghosh S., Chatterjee R., Chen Y-Q, Moses L., Kesari A., Hoffman EP, Dutta SK. PCB congener specific oxidative stress response by microarray analysis using human liver cell line. Environment International, 2010, 36: 907-917, 2010.Mitra P. , Ghosh S., Zang S., Sonneborn D., Hertz-Picciotto I, Trnovec T., Lubica Palkovicova  L., Sovcikova E, Ghimbovschi S., Hoffman EP., Dutta SK., Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP) and their Effect on Gene Expression in Exposed Children, in 2010 Joint Conference of International Society of Exposure Science & International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISES-ISEE 2010) at Seoul, Korea, 28th August-1st September, 2010. Epidemiology, Vol. 22 (1) p-S94, 2011.Dutta SK., Mitra P. , Ghosh S., Zang S., Sonneborn D., Hertz-Picciotto I, Trnovec T., Palkovicova  L., Sovcikova E, Ghimbovschi S., Hoffman EP., Gene Expression Analysis of PCB exposed Children: Understanding Toxicity and Disease Process, in 2010 Joint Conference of International Society of Exposure Science & International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISES-ISEE 2010) at Seoul, Korea, 28th August-1st September, 2010. Epidemiology, Vol. 22 (1) p-S33, 2011.Dutta S, Ghosh S, Zang S, Trnovec T,  Palkovicova L, Sovcikova E, et al. 2009. Identification of Early Disease Biomarkers in 45 Months PCB-Exposed Slovak Population [Abstract]. In ISEE 21st Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland, August 25-29, 2009. Epidemiology, Volume 20(6): 6-pS131;Ghosh S, Dutta S, Zang S, Trnovec T,  Palkovicova L, Sovcikova E, et al. 2009. PCB Exposure PCB Exposure In Vitro (PBMC): Differential Gene Expression, Pathway Analysis for Possible Mode(s) of Actions, and Disease Development in Comparison with PCB-Exposed Slovak Population In ISEE 21st Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland, August 25-29, Epidemiology, Volume 20(6): p S130, 2009.Dutta SK., Ghosh S., De S, Hoffman EP. CYP1A1 and MT1K are Congener Specific Biomarker Genes for Liver Diseases Induced by PCBs. Environ. Toxicol. Pharmacol., 25, 218-221, 2008.Ghosh S, De S, Dutta SK., Altered Protein Expressions in Chronic PCB-153 Induced Human Liver (HepG2) cells. Int. J. Toxicol., 26, 203-212, 2007Chen YQ, De S., Ghosh S., Dutta SK, Congener  Specific Polychlorinated Biphenyl-Induced Cell Death in Human Kidney Cells In Vitro: Potential Role of Caspase. Inter. J. Toxicol., 25, 1-7, 2006.De S., Ghosh S., Dutta SK., Congener specific polychlorinated biphenyl metabolism by human intestinal microbe Clostridium species: Comparison with human liver cell line-HepG2. Ind. J. Microbiol., 46, 191-199, September 2006.Ghosh S, Hazra A. K., Banerjee S. and Mukherjee B., Ecological monitoring for ascertaining the bio-safety of liver lipids from some Indian marine puffer fishes. Fisheries Science 71(1), 29-37, 2005.Ghosh, S., Hazra, A.K., Banerjee, S. and Mukherjee, B., The seasonal toxicological profile of four puffer fish species collected along Bengal coast. India, Indian J. Mar. Sci., 33(3), 276-280, 2004.Ghosh S., Hazra A. K.,  Banerjee S. and  Mukherjee B., The Multifaceted Health Benefits of Fish Oil. Science and Culture, 69 (9-10), 326-330, 2003.Banerjee S., Ghosh S., Hazra A. K.,  Dutta P., Besra S. E., Vedasiromoni R., Bhattacharyya D. Mukherjee B.  Puffer Toxin: Unusual Molecular Structure, in the Proceedings of Asian Symposium on Medicinal  Plants  and Species (ASOMPS X), Dhaka, November 18-23, 149-159, 2000.Hazra A. K., Ghosh S., Banerjee S. and Mukherjee B., Studies on Lipid and Fatty Acid Compositions of Puffer Liver from Indian Coastal waters with Seasonal Variation. J. Am. Oil. Chem. Soc., 75(1), p1673-1678, 1998.Abstracts and Presentation:Forbes C, Miller T, Green HJ, Manning DK, Allni Miller, Woods G.,  Noreen Z, Loffredo CA, Nunlee-Bland G, Simhadri JI, Bhatti A, Ghosh S.  Do Type 2 Diabetes and Alzheimer’s Disease Pathogenesis Shared Any Gene Expressions? Lesson Learned through High-Throughput Taqman Low density Array (TLDA). In First Annual Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Program, Capacity Competitiveness Enhancement Model (CCEM) Conference, Washington DC, Oct. 28, 2019.Jennings TA, Noreen Z, Green HJ, Manning DK , Miller A ,  Bhatti A, Loffredo CA, Nunlee-Bland G, Simhadri J Ghosh S. Differential Gene Expression in Type 2 Diabetes and Alzheimer ’s Disease Patients of Pakistani by Taqman Low Density Array (TLDA): A Snapshot. In Proceedings of the Howard University Research Symposium, Washington DC, April 12, 2019.pp 39.Ramsahoye M, Noreen Z, Nnanabu T, Vilmenay K., DeJesus J, Loffredo CA,Nunlee-Bland G, Ghosh S. Molecular Transcriptomics by Taqman Low Density Array (TLDA) Revealing Gene Expressions in African-Americans with Type 2 Diabetes in Washington, D.C. in 2018 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) Conference, November 14-17, 2018,Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis, IN.Abiona O, Allen A, Ghosh S, Smith M, Robinson C, Ullah H. The Isolation, Purification, and Characterization of Phage Razza.  in 2018 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) Conference, November 14-17, 2018, Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis, IN.Kayla Johnston et al., A Study of Differential Gene Expression by Tumor Associated Macrophages(tam) in the Tumor Microenvironment(tme)Nnanabu T, Vilmenay K, Noreen Z,  Ramsahoye M , DeJesus J, Loffredo CA, Nunlee-Bland G, Ghosh S. Snapshot on the Specificity of Selective Genetic Signatures (Biomarker Genes) for Type 2 Diabetes among Different Ethnic Populations. In 2018 MEDICAL STUDENT SUMMER RESEARCH PROGRAM (MSSRP) Symposium, August 5, 2018, Howard University Hospital, Washington DC.  M, Noreen Z, Nnanabu T, Vilmenay K., DeJesus J, Loffredo CA,  Nunlee-Bland G,  Ghosh S. Gene-Expressions in African-Americans with Type 2 Diabetes around Washington, D.C. in  2018 Annual Summer Research Symposium of Washington Baltimore Hampton Roads Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (WBHR-LSAMP), July 26, 2018, Virginia State University, Petersburg, VA.Noreen Z, Loffredo CA, Nunlee-Bland G.,  Apmy FR,  Saad MT,  Bhatti A, Ghosh S. Type 2 Diabetes & Alzheimer’s Disease in Pakistani Population, in RCMI Translational Science Conference 2017, Oct. 28-Nov. 1, 2017, Washington DC, USA.Shakoori A, Trnovec T, Murinova (Palkovicova) L, Sovcikova E, Mitra PS, Dutta SK, Sonneborn D, Hertz-Picciott I, Hoffman EP 7,  Loffredo CA,  Ghosh S. Organochlorine Exposures and Neurobehavioral Disorder in Slovak Children: A Proof of Concept through Molecular Transcriptomics. In Proceedings of the Howard University Research Symposium, Washington DC, April 13, 2017.pp 57.  Banerjee HN, Hodge S, Kahan W, Mandal S, Weber D, Lapidus R, Ghosh S. A study of in vitro and in vivo effects of a novel peptide and rhenium compounds on prostate cancer. In Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research. American Association of Cancer Research; 2017 April 01; Washington DC, DC, USA.; c2017.Walker R, Banerjee N, Kahan W, Parotti B, Bell D, Ghosh S, Sarkar F,  Banerjee H.  A study to investigate the differential expression of noncoding MiRNA and their target genes in the transcriptome of prostate cancer derived from African American and Caucasian Patients. In 2016 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) [037], 2016, Nov. 9-12; Tampa, FL.Ghosh S, Loffredo CA, Mitra PS, Trnovec T, Palkovicova Murinova L, Sovcikova E, Hoffman EP, Dutta SK. PCBs exposure and future cancer incidences in Slovak children: An assessment from molecular finger printing through experimental and epidemiological investigation. In 9th PCB International PCB Workshop, Oct. 9-12, 2016, Kobe, Japan.Ghosh S, Loffredo CA,  Mitra PS, Trnovec T,  Palkovicova Murinova L, Sovcikova E, Hoffman EP, Dutta SK. Future Possibilities of Cancer Incidences in PCBs-exposed Children of Slovakia: An assessment from experimental and epidemiological gene expression studies. In Howard University Research Week Presentation, Washington DC, April 14, 2016.pp 26-27 (online: )  Mitra PS, Ghosh S, Dutta SK. Toxicogenomics of Environmental Chemical Exposures: Disease Risk in Human. In Molecular Simulation & Design, System Biology, Genomics, and Big Data at Advancing Computational Biology @ Howard University Symposium, Washington DC, March 26, 2014.Ghosh S., Mitra PS., Malve P. Trnovec T., Palkovicova L., Sovcikova E., Hertz-Picciotto I., Sonneborn D., Ghimbovschi S., Hoffman EP. , Dutta SK. Biomarkers of Metabolic Disorders Leading to Obesity and Type II Diabetes for Environmental PCBs Exposures. Presented in 7th PCB Workshop, Arcachon, France; 27-31 May, 2012.Ghosh S., Mitra PS., Malve P. Trnovec T., Palkovicova L., Sovcikova E., Hertz-Picciotto I., Sonneborn D., Ghimbovschi S., Hoffman EP. , Dutta SK. Validation of Signature Biomarkers by High-Throughput Taqman® Low Density Array (TLDA) in PCB-exposed Population. in Abstracts of the 2011 Conference of the International Society of Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE).13-16 September, Barcelona; Research Triangle Park, NC: Environmental Health Perspectives; S., Mitra PS.,  Trnovec T., Palkovicova L., Sovcikova E., Sonneborn D., Hertz-Picciotto I.,  Ghimbovschi S., Hoffman EP., Dutta SK. Early Disease and Disorder Biomarkers in PCB-exposed Slovak Population: A Genomic Approach, 6th International PCB Workshop, Visby Sweden, May 30th – June 2nd, 2010 (Oral Presentation).Dutta SK,  Ghosh S, Mitra PS, Sonneborn D, Hertz-Picciotto I, Trnovec T, Horska A, Palkovicova L , Sovcikova E, Ghimbovschi S, Hoffman EP, Early Disease Biomarkers of PCB-exposed Human Population, Exposure Biology Program, 3rd  Annual Grantee Meeting, January 26-27, 2010, Bethesda, MD.Mitra P., Ghosh S., Dutta, SK.  Complexity and Challenges to Establish the Disease Biomarkers for PCB exposed Human Population.  Accelerating Development and Advancing Personalized Therapy (ADAPT) Congress Conference.  Washington DC, 22nd - 25th September, 2009.Ghosh S., Dutta SK., Zang S., Trnovec T., Palkovicova L., Sovcikova E., Ghimbovschi S., Eric P. Hoffman EP.,  PCB Exposure in vitro (PBMC): Differential Gene Expression, Pathway Analysis for Possible Mode(s) of Actions, and Disease Development in Comparison with PCB-exposed Slovak Population, International Society of Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE) 2009, Dublin, 25th – 29th August, 2009.Dutta SK., Ghosh S., Zang S., Trnovec T., Palkovicova L., Sovcikova E., Sonneborn D., Hetz-Picciotto I.,  Ghimbovschi S., Eric P. Hoffman EP.,  Identification of Early Disease Biomarkers in 45 Months PCB-exposed Slovak Population, ISEE 2009, Dublin, 25th – 29th August, 2009.Dutta SK,  Ghosh S, Zang S, Sonneborn D, Hertz-Picciotto I, Trnovec T, Horska A, Palkovicova L , Sovcikova E, Ghimbovschi S, Hoffman EP, Early Disease Biomarkers of PCB-exposed Human Population, Exposure Biology Program, 2nd  Annual Grantee Meeting, January 13-15, 2009, Bethesda, MD.Ghosh S.  Gene Environment Interaction: Effort to Develop Early Disease Biomarker in PCB-exposed Human Population.  in New Direction and Advances in Biological and Chemical Exposure Assessment for Epidemiological Risk Assessment (Workshop). University of California at Barkley, LA, July 10-11, 2008 (Invited Lecture).Dutta SK., Ghosh S., Chatterjee R., Chen Y-Q., De S.,  Zang S., Kesari A. , Moses L., Hoffman EP., Differential Gene Expression Profiling of kidney (HK-2 cell) Induced by PCBs, 5th PCB Workshop, New Knowledge Gained from Old Pollutant, 18-22nd May, 2008, Iowa City, Iowa.Ghosh S., De S., Chen Y-Q., Sutton DC., Ayorinde FO., Dutta SK., Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB-153) and (PCB-77) absorptions in Human Liver (HepG2) and Kidney (Hk2) Cells in vitro: PCB Levels and Cell Death, 5th PCB Workshop, New Knowledge Gained from Old Pollutant, 18-22nd May, 2008, Iowa City, Iowa.Dutta SK., Ghosh S., Chatterjee R., Zang S., Sonneborn D., Hertz-Picciotto I., Trnovec T., Palkovicova L., Hoffman EP., PCB-exposed Human Population: Search for Potential Genomic Biomarkers, 5th PCB Workshop, New Knowledge Gained from Old Pollutant, 18-22nd May, 2008, Iowa City, Iowa.De S., Ghosh S., Chatterjee R., Chen Y-Q, Moses L., kesari A., Hoffman EP., Dutta SK., PCB Induced Congener Specific Oxidative Stress Response by Microarray Analysis using Human Liver Cell Line, 5th PCB Workshop, New Knowledge Gained from Old Pollutant, 18-22nd May, 2008, Iowa City, Iowa.Dutta SK,  Ghosh S, Chatterjee R , Zang S, Sonneborn D, Hertz-Picciotto I, Trnovec T, Horska A, Palkovicova L , Sovcikova E , Ghimbovschi S, Hoffman EP, Early Disease Biomarkers of PCB-exposed Human Population, Exposure Biology Program, 1st Annual Grantee Meeting, January 24-25, 2008, Bethesda, MD.Dutta SK, Ghosh S., Chen YQ, De S, Moses L, Hoffman EP, Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) from Air and Food could Induce Liver Diseases in Human: Cytochrome P450 (CYP1A1) and Metallothionein (MT1K) are Candidate Genomic Biomarkers, SERDP-ESTCP Training & Workshop 2006, Washington DC, November 28-30, 2006.Ghosh S, De S, Dutta SK., Chronic exposures of PCB and Carcinogenicity:  Molecular approach to address this controversy, The 4th  PCB Workshop, Zakopane, Poland, September 6-10, 2006.Dutta SK, Ghosh S., Chen YQ, De S, Moses L, Hoffman EP, PCB Induced Gene Expression by Microarray Analysis in Human Cells In Vitro: Development of Genomic Markers, The 4th  PCB Workshop, Zakopane, Poland, September 6-10, 2006.Dutta SK, Ghosh S, De S. Chen YQ, Hoffman EP, Human Organ Specific in vitro Assessment Though Expression Profiling, Invited speaker in the World Biomarker Summit, Philadelphia, 26-28 Sept, 2005.Dutta SK, Ghosh S, De S, Chen YQ, Moses L, Kesari A, Ayorinde FO, Hoffman EP,  Genome-wide Search of Biomarkers for Human Renal and Liver Injuries Caused by PCBs: Tissue and Congener Specificity, Post Genomic Summit (PGS) 2006, Beijing, China, May 17-19, 2006.Ghosh, S., De S, Chen YQ, Dutta SK, Controversies on Chronic Exposures of PCBs: Molecular Toxicogenomics Approach, Post Genomic Summit (PGS) 2006, Beijing, China, May 17-19, 2006.S. Ghosh, S. De, Y. E. Chen, A. Shaffagati,  O. Omorogbe, F. Ayorinde  and S. K. Dutta, PCB 153 Metabolism in Human Cell Line HepG2(Liver) and Hk2 (Kidney) in vitro and in Microflora of Human Relevance, Proceedings of the  ASM 105th Annual Meeting 2005, Georgia, Atlanta, 5-9 June 2005.Y.Q. Chen, S. De, L. Moses, E. Hoffman, S. Ghosh, and S. K. Dutta, Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Induced Gene Expression Profiling in Human Kidney Cells. Proceedings of the ASM 105th Annual Meeting 2005, Georgia, Atlanta, 5-9 June 2005. p427S. De, S. Ghosh, Y-Q Chen, L. Moses, E. P. Hoffman, S. K. Dutta, PCB induced gene expressions in Human Liver Cells. Proceedings of the ASM 105th Annual Meeting 2005, Georgia, Atlanta, 5-9 June 2005. p427Banerjee S., Ghosh S., Hazra A. K., Seal T., Vedosiromoni R., Dutta P., Besra S. E. and Mukherjee B., Puffer Fish Toxin : Molecular Architecture, Invited Lecture, 90th ISCA, Bangalore, 1-8 January, 2003.Ghosh S., Hazra A. K., Banerjee S. and  Mukherjee B.,  Ecological Importance of Indian Marine Puffers, , in Asian Symposium on Medicinal  Plants  and Species (ASOMPS X), Abst. No. PP 42, p 226, Dhaka, November 18,  2000.Banerjee S., Ghosh S., Hazra A. K.,  Dutta P., Besra S. E., Vedasiromoni R., Bhattacharyya D. Mukherjee B.,  Puffer Fish Toxin : Unusual Molecular Structure, in Asian Symposium on Medicinal  Plants  and Species (ASOMPS X), Abst. No. IL 40, p 59, Dhaka, November 18, 2000.Ghosh S., Hazra A. K., Banerjee S., Sur T.,  Mukherjee B.,  Hypolipidemic Activity of Puffer Liver Oil on experimentally Induced Hyperlipidemic Rabbit, , in the International Congress on “Frontiers in Pharmacology and Therapeutics in 21st Century”, p-136, 1-4 December, New Delhi, 1999.Banerjee S, Ghosh S., Hazra A. K., Bhattacharyya D. and Mukherjee B., Isolation of Toxic Principle from Indian Marine Puffers, in the international congress on “Frontiers in Pharmacology and Therapeutics in 21st Century”, p-141, 1-4 December, New Delhi, 1999.Hazra A. K., Ghosh S., Banerjee S., Mukherjee B., Bioactivity of the Compounds Isolated from Indian Marine Puffers, in the International Symposium 20th IUPAC Symposium on the Chemistry  of  Natural Products, Abst.  No. BO-37, September 15-20, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 1996.Ghosh S., Hazra A. K., Bannerjee S., Sur T.K., Chakraborty R., Roy N. M. and  Mukherjee B., Indian Marine Puffers: Alternative Source of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFA), in  64th Annual Meeting of Society of Biological Chemists (INDIA),  Abs. # 149/P1E24, Page 94, October 6-8, Lucknow, India, 1995.Ghosh S., Hazra A. K., Chakraborty R., Roy N. M., and Mukherjee B., Hypolipidemic Agents  From Marine Sources with Special  Reference to Poisonous Fishes", in Asian Symposium on Medicinal  Plants and  Species (ASOMPS VIII), Abst. No. CP 16D, Malaysia, June 12-16, 1994.Hazra A. K.,  Ghosh S.,  Basak S.,  Sadhukhan R. K.,  Chakraborty  S. L., and Mukherjee B.,  Puffer Fish Toxin: The Intriguing Nature, in the international seminar "Traditional Medicine:  A challenge to  The Twenty First Century", Abst. No. 9.24, Nov., 7-9, Calcutta, 1992.