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Prof. K. Langmia

Kehbuma Langmia


  • Communication Studies
  • School of Communications


Dr. Kehbuma Langmia is a Fulbright Scholar/ Professor and Chair in the Department of Communication Studies, School of Communications, Howard University. A graduate from the  Communication and Media Studies Program at Howard University, Dr. Langmia has extensive knowledge and expertise in Information Communication Technology (ICT), Intercultural, Cross Cultural and International Communication, Black Diaspora Communication Theory, Decolonial Media Studies, Social Media and Afrocentricity.  Since earning his PhD in Communications and Media Studies from Howard University, he has published 18 books, 21 book chapters and 15peer-reviewed journal articles nationally and internationally. Last year 2020, He received the prestigious NCA Orlando Taylor distinguished research scholar award as a top scholar in African and African American communication publications. He is a visiting scholar at Daystar University, Kenya and MUBS, Makerere University, Uganda. In November 2017, Dr. Langmia was awarded the prestigious Toyin Falola Africa Book Award in Marrakesh, Morocco by the Association of Global South Studies for his book titled “ Globalization and cyberculture: An Afrocentric Perspective”. For the last four years he has been selected by Howard University to act as scholar coach for the Howard University Summer Writing Academy. In 2019, he was selected among the 35 USA Professors chosen from a competitive pool of over 100 applicants to serve in the Visiting Professor Program at Fordham University in New York organized by ANA. In addition, he regularly gives keynote speeches on Information Communication Technology, Black Diaspora mediated communication, and Social Media in prominent national and international universities, including the Library of Congress, the National Intelligence University (Department of Defense, USA) and National Defense University ( Department of Defense, USA); Morgan State University ( Maryland, USA); Bowie State University ( Maryland, USA); Melbourne University (Australia); Buea University (Cameroon), Madras Institute of Technology, (India); ICT University, (Cameroon) and Covenant University (Nigeria), Makerere, University Business School, MUBS, (Uganda) and Temple University, Pennsylvania. He was the 2017 Maryland Communication Association Keynote Speaker holding at College of Southern Maryland, Waldorf, MD and Communication Educators’ Association Conference at Winneba, Ghana in 2019. Some of his books are: Black/Africana communication theory, published in 2018 by Palgrave/ Macmillan Press; “Globalization and cyberculture: An Afrocentric perspective” published in 2016 and Social Media: Culture and Identity”, published in 2017 by Palgrave, Macmillan Press & the latter co-edited with Tia Tyree published by Lexington Books. He has recently published, “ Digital Communication at Crossroads in Africa: A decolonial approach” in 2020 with Dr. Agnes Lucy Lando of Daystar University, Kenya. His  most recent publications are “Black Lives and digiculturalism” published by Lexington 2021; Paradise of Love and Pain, published by Spearsmedia Press in 2022 and Decolonizing Communication Studies published by Cambridge Press in 2022. He published  in 2023" Black Communication in the age of disinformation: Deepfakes and synthetic media" with Palgrave, Mcmillan publishers. His latest publication is titled " Black 'Race' and the White Supremacy saga" published by Palgrave in 2024. His forthcoming books include: 1) Black Communication Theory volume 2 to be published by Palgrave, McMillan publishers and 2) Research Methods for Afrocentric Scholarship to be published by Routledge.







Education & Expertise


Communication/Media Studies

Howard University


International Media, Intercultural/ Media and Diaspora communications, African and African American digital media studies



Research methods, Intercultural communication, Conflict and communication management, Qualitative and quantitative communication research




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