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Headshot photo of Anthony D. Wilbon, Ph.D., PMP

Anthony D. Wilbon

Dean, Howard University School of Business

  • Office of the Dean, School of Business
  • School of Business


Dr. Anthony Wilbon's expertise is in strategic technology management. He is also a certified Project Management Professional (PMP). Particular areas of research include technology strategy, quantitative analysis, information technology, and technology innovation and entrepreneurship. Research in sustainable environmental engineering through the integration of social, environmental, and economic considerations into systems design methods has also been explored through funded NOAA research projects. Dr. Wilbon has previously held positions at organizations such as the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and Booz Allen and Hamilton. His professional experience and capabilities extend to business, management, and technology related topics including systems application and technology, production and operations management, project management, systems development life cycle, and research methodology (quantitative and qualitative).

Areas of expertise

  • Technology strategy and management: strategic management, technology, and strategic planning for implementation of operational systems
  • Systems Development Life Cycle: systems development projects, project management software for development
  • Environmental Management: Integrated management in the environmental systems for decision support

Courses Taught

  • Project Management (MBA)
  • Production and Operations Research (MBA)
  • Management Information Systems (undergrad)
  • Production and Operations Management (undergrad)

Education & Expertise


Management of Science, Technology, and Innovation

The George Washington University

Howard University

Electrical Engineering

Michigan State University




Technology Strategy, Project Management, Operations Management



Fulbright International Education Administrators Award – France, October 2019

Visited several campuses at the University of Bordeaux system to understand their internationalization strategy and spent time at the Rectorat de Bordeaux to understand the transition from high school to university or grandes écoles. In Paris, explored the recent changes in the higher education landscape and how they create new opportunities for international cooperation. Visited with leaders from Université de Paris, Université Paris Marne la Vallée, and Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Arts et Metiers (ENSAM). Also met with scholars at US Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and discussed Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) and Programme for International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIACC) surveys. Met with representatives of The Conference of Deans of French Schools of Engineering to understand different institutions in internationalization approach with US partners.

Published Articles and Presentations

Published Articles and Presentations

Foster, M.K., Abbey, A., Callow, M., Zu, X. and Wilbon, A. (2015). Rethinking virtuality and its impact on teams. Small Group Research, Vol 46(3): 267–299.

Ogbolu, M.N, Singh, R.P., and Wilbon, A.D. (2015). Legitimacy, attitudes, and intended patronage: Understanding challenges facing Black entrepreneurs. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 20(1).

Wilbon, A.D., (2015). Technology strategy and organizational learning: Applying population ecology to understanding the influence on firm survival. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 14(2): 221–236.

Coverdale, T.S. and Wilbon, A.D. (2013). The influence of social presence on e-loyalty of women online shoppers: An application of the social identity approach to website design. International Journal of e-Adoption 5(1): 17–36.

Wilbon, A.D., (2012). Interactive planning for strategy development in academic-based cooperative research enterprises. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 24(1):89– 105.

Wilbon, A.D., Bundy M., and Clark, K. (2011). Case Study: Entrepreneurship in the Chesapeake Bay Oyster Industry. International Journal of Case Studies in Management. 9(2), Case Study No. 9402011016. (Best Paper Award, 2011)