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Yanick Rice Lamb, Ph.D.

Yanick Rice Lamb, Ph.D.


  • Media, Journalism, Film & Communication
  • School of Communications


Yanick Rice Lamb’s mission is to give voice to the voiceless and share the gift of knowledge through the written word. An award-winning journalist, author and speaker, Dr. Rice Lamb shares her expertise at Howard University, where she is a professor and former chair of the Department of Media, Journalism and Film. She teaches reporting, editing, fact-checking, health and science writing, and media entrepreneurship. She is also adviser to 101 Magazine,, Cover 2 Cover and the Howard University News Service.

Her research focuses on environmental health and climate change as well as journalistic issues, including education, social media and technology, media management and diversity. It has been featured in publications such as Journalism and Mass Communication Educator, the Howard Journal of CommunicationsJournal of Magazine and New Media Research and Asia-Pacific Media Educator. Her dissertation is titled Toxic Tires: The Sociological Impact of Exposure to Rubber Chemicals on the Autoimmune Health of African Americans in Akron, Ohio.

Dr. Rice Lamb is also co-founder of the health website Previously, she was editor-in-chief of Heart & Soul and BET Weekend, where her editorial vision led to the magazine becoming the second-largest publication for African Americans. Under her leadership, the magazine’s circulation increased nearly 40 percent, from 800,000 to 1.3 million in three years.

She spent a decade at the New York Times Company in various editing roles at the newspaper and at Child magazine. She has also worked at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the Toledo Blade, Essence and Emerge.

The Center for Public Integrity and Belt Magazine co-published her award-winning series, “Unintended Consequences: The Rubber Industry’s Toxic Legacy in Akron,” with support from the Fund for Investigative Journalism. The series won a Vernon Jarrett Medal for Journalistic Excellence from Morgan State University. It was praised by judges as “an exemplary piece of research about deindustrialization and its impact on a marginalized community.”

“The storytelling is compelling and comprehensive, engaging the reader all along the investigative road."

Describing the series as “powerful and effective,” the National Press Foundation named Dr. Rice Lamb as co-winner of the Thomas L. Stokes Award for Best Energy and Environment Reporting. The series also won an investigative journalism award from the Ohio Society of Professional Journalists. The American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) selected her to present the Upton Sinclair Memorial Lecture in May 2023 for the Outstanding Occupational Safety and Health News Story of the Year.

An avid reader, Dr. Rice Lamb is co-author of Born to Win: The Authorized Biography of Althea GibsonRise & Fly: Tall Tales and Mostly True Rules of Bid Whist and The Spirit of African Design. She is a contributor to The Routledge Handbook of Magazine Research: The Future of the Magazine Form: Research Perspectives and ProspectsBET on Black: African-American Women Celebrate Fatherhood in the Age of Barack Obama, Fight the Power! The Spike Lee ReaderHaternationSocial Media: Pedagogy and Practice, Aunties: 35 Writers Celebrate Their Other Mother and Health & Healing for African-Americans. She is completing an environmental health book and her debut novel, Nursing Wounds about family secrets and the mysterious death of a hospital patient.

The daughter and sister of nurses, Dr. Rice Lamb has had a lifelong interest in health, which she has covered extensively over the years as a writer and editor. She earned a doctorate in medical sociology from Howard University, specializing in health, environmental issues and social inequality. A native of Akron, Ohio, she holds a bachelor’s in journalism from The Ohio State University and an MBA from Howard University. 

Dr. Rice Lamb, who has a son and grandson, loves working with young people and recently celebrated her 20th anniversary at the Mecca.

Education & Expertise



Medical Sociology and Social Inequality
Howard University
May 13, 2023


Management and Marketing
Howard University


The Ohio State University


Environmental and climate issues, health, social inequality and journalistic topics, including education, social media and technology, media management and diversity



Capstone: News Lab

Public Affairs Reporting

Health & Science Writing

Media Entrepreneurship

Interactive Editing

Multimedia Reporting




Environmental and climate issues, health, social inequality and journalistic issues. Dissertation: Toxic Tires: The Sociological Impact of Exposure to Rubber Chemicals on the Autoimmune Health of African Americans in Akron, Ohio.



2022 Ohio Society of Professional Journalists Best Investigative Reporting

Won the Ohio Society of Professional Journalists Award for 2022 Best Investigative Reporting in the Digital Media Freelance category

Part 1: "Unintended Consequences: The Rubber Industry’s Toxic Legacy in Akron" 

Part 2: "Inside the Decades-Long Fight Over an Ohio Superfund Site"

The judges said:

  • “This was a passionate, equitable retelling of the lingering impacts of industrialization on racial, gender and class systems, and the current health and environmentalism challenges.”
  • “I was particularly struck with the level of care and precision the writer had in describing the lives of workers who were just doing their jobs and raising their families.”

2021 National Press Foundation Thomas L. Stokes Award for Best Energy and Environment Writing

Describing her reporting as “powerful and effective,” the National Press Foundation named Lamb as co-winner of the Thomas L. Stokes Award for Best Energy and Environment Reporting

Part 2: "Inside the Decades-Long Fight Over an Ohio Superfund Site" 

2021 Best of Belt Magazine

Part 1: "Unintended Consequences: The Rubber Industry’s Toxic Legacy in Akron" selected for “Best of Belt Magazine 2021” as the No. 1 article of the year:

2016 Distinguished Service to Humanity Award

2016 Distinguished Service to Humanity Award from Project GRAD in Lamb's hometown, Akron, Ohio

2015 NABJ Salute to Excellence

National Association of Black Journalists, 2015 Salute to Excellence Award for Digital Features, “Dealing With Dementia,” a year-long special project examining dementia and caregiving written as the John A. Hartford/MetLife Foundation Journalism in Aging & Health Fellow    

2013 History Maker

2013, Profiled for The History Makers, now based at the Library of Congress

Published Articles and Presentations

Published Articles and Presentations

“Unintended Consequences: The Rubber Industry’s Toxic Legacy in Akron”

A three-part series co-published by the Center for Public Integrity and Belt Magazine with support from the Fund for Investigative Journalism

Part 1:  

Part 2:

Part 3:

“Pivot! Teaching Communications Online at HBCUs During COVID-19”

Sturgis, Ingrid and Lamb, Yanick Rice. “Pivot! Teaching Communications Online at HBCUs During COVID-19.” Journalism and Mass Communication Educator (2021)

“Media and Communication During the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic”

Co-Editor of Special Journal Issue:

Sun, Wei, and Lamb, Yanick Rice, eds. (2020-2021). Media and Communication During the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic. Special issue of the Howard Journal of Communications. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis Group. 32(5).

“Kerner @ 50: Looking Forward, Looking Back”

Lamb, Yanick Rice and Byerly, Carolyn. “Kerner @ 50: Looking Forward, Looking Back.” Kerner @ 50: Communication and the Politics of Race in the United States. Special issue of the Howard Journal of Communications. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis Group (2019)

Co-Editor of Special Journal Issue:

Byerly, Carolyn, and Lamb, Yanick Rice, eds. (2019) Kerner @ 50: Communication and the Politics of Race in the United States. Special issue of the Howard Journal of Communications. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis Group.

“Research Review: Communication and Consumer Lifestyle Behavior”

Abrahamson, D. and Prior-Miller, M., eds. (2015) The Routledge Handbook of Magazine Research: The Future of the Magazine Form: Research Perspectives and Prospects. New York: Peter Lang Publishing. Chapter 14, “Research Review: Communication and Consumer Lifestyle Behavior.”

“All the News That Fits on Tablets: An Analysis of News Consumption and Best Practices”

“All the News That Fits on Tablets: An Analysis of News Consumption and Best Practices,” AEJMC Council of Affiliates, Second Annual Industry Research Award, (August 2013).