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Headshot photo of Veronica G. Thomas

Veronica G. Thomas (She/Her)


  • Human Development & Psychoeducational Studies
  • School of Education


Veronica G. Thomas is a Professor in the Department of Human Development and Psychoeducational Studies and Director, Evaluation and Continuous Improvement component of the Georgetown-Howard Universities Center for Clinical and Translational Sciences (GHUCCTS).  She previously served the University in numerous other administrative capacities, including, for example: Interim Dean, School of Education; Department Chairperson, Human Development and Psychoeducational Studies; Coordinator of Graduate Studies, Human Development and Psychoeducational Studies; Senior Research Associate, Capstone Institute; Acting Director, Institute for Urban Affairs and Research.  Dr. Thomas was Principal Investigator for the National Science Foundation funded grant, the Howard University Evaluation Training Institute.  Her research interests include culturally responsive evaluations, well-being of Black families, with emphasis on women and girls’ health, and the academic and socio-emotional development of youth placed at risk. She has authored or co-authored numerous peer-reviewed work in scholarly venues such as New Directions for Evaluation, American Journal of Evaluation, Journal of Black Psychology, International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling (British spelling), Family Relations, Adolescence, Educational Leadership, Journal of Adult Development, Review of Research in Education, Journal of Negro Education, Sex Roles, Journal of Social Psychology, Women and Health, and the Journal of the National Medical Association.  Her major professional associations include the American Evaluation Association (AEA) American Psychological Association (APA), and the American Educational Research Association (AERA).


Education & Expertise


Social Psychology

Howard University


Howard University


South Carolina State University


Culturally responsive and social justice evaluation, particuarly in the fields of education and healthPhysical and psychological well being of women at midlifeDiversity issues in teaching and learning



Textbook and Academic Authors Association (TAA) 2021 Most Promising New Textbook Award for Thomas, V.G. & Campbell, P.B. (2021). Evaluation in today's world:  Respecting diversity, improving quality, and promoting usability.  Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.American Evaluation Association’s Multiethnic Issues in Evaluation TIG Scholarly Leader Award for scholarship that has contributed to social justice-oriented, equity-focused, and/or culturally responsive literature, 2019.Annie E. Casey Foundation LEEAD (Leaders in Equitable Evaluation and Diversity) for contribution and service as mentor to LEEAD scholars, 2016.

Published Articles and Presentations

Published Articles and Presentations

Selected Publications

TextbookThomas, V.G. & Campbell, P. B. (2021).  Evaluation in today's world:  Respecting diversity, improving quality, and promoting usability.  Thousand Oaks, CA:  SAGE.Selected Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles Scott, D.M., Thomas, V.G., Otado, J., Rockcliffe, F., Olopoenia, O., Johnson, D., & Callier, S. (2019). Attitudes and experiences regarding genetic research among persons of African descent. Journal of Community Genetics, 6, 1-8.Thomas, V.G., Madison, A., Rockcliffe, F., DeLaine, K. & McDonald-Lowe, S. (2018). Racism, social programming, and evaluation: Where do we go from here? American Journal of Evaluation, 39(4), 514-526.Thomas, V.G. & Parsons, B. (2017). Culturally responsive evaluation meets systems-oriented evaluation. American Journal of Evaluation, 38 (1), 7-28. Thomas, V.G., Gaston, M.H., Porter, G.K., & Anderson, A. (2016). Prime Time Sister Circles II: Evaluating a culturally relevant intervention to decrease psychological and physical risk factors for chronic disease in mid-life African American women. Journal of the National Medical Association, 108(1), 6-18. Trochim, W.M., Rubio, D.M. & Thomas, V.G. & the Evaluation Key Function Committee. (2014). Evaluation guidelines for the clinical and translational science awards (CTSAs). Clinical and Translational Sciences, 6(4), 303-309. Thomas, V.G.  (2011).  Cultural issues in evaluation:  From margin toward center.  American Journal of Evaluation, 34 (4), 578-582.   Gaston, M. H., Porter, G.K., & Thomas, V.G. (2011). Paradoxes in obesity with mid-life African American women.  Journal of the National Medical Association, 103(1), 17-25. Thomas, V.G. & Madison, A.  (2010). Integration of social justice into the teaching of evaluation.  American Journal of Evaluation, 31(4), 570-583. Thomas, V.G.  (2010). The case for better evaluation theory:  Comments on Miller, Kirkhart, and Smith.  American Journal of Evaluation, 31(3), 414-417.