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Ryan D.P. Dunk, PhD (They/Them)

Assistant Professor

  • Biology
  • College of Arts & Sciences

Education & Expertise


Ph.D, Biology

Syracuse University







Biology Education Research

Published Articles and Presentations

Published Articles and Presentations

Journal Articles

18. Dunk, RDP, PE Adams, AE Beatty, and CJ Ballen. Student Perceptions on the Value of an Ideologically Aware Curriculum. CBE – Life Sciences Education (in revision)

17. Dunk, RDP, SJ Malmquist, K Prescott, SN Ewell, JA Henning, and CJ Ballen. How do students critically evaluate outdated language that relates to gender in biology? CBE – Life Sciences Education (in revision)

16. Dunk, RDP, K Hinerman, and EA Holt. Trends in topics, use, and development procedures of biology concept inventories. CBE – Life Sciences Education (revised, in review).

14. Holt, EA, J Duke, RDP Dunk, and K Hinerman. 2024. Development of the Inventory of Biotic Climate Literacy (IBCL). Environmental Education Research: doi:10.1080/13504622.2024.2314047

13. Barnes, ME, RQ Aini, JP Collins, RDP Dunk, EA Holt, J Jensen, JR Klein, T Misheva, LS Nadelson, MJ Reiss, WL Romine, A Shtulman, A Townley, JR Wiles, Y Zheng, and S Brownell. Evaluating the current state of evolution acceptance instruments: A meeting report. CBE – Life Sciences Education, 17:1. doi:10.1186/s12052-024-00194-0

12. Maxwell, MC, JJ Snyder, RDP Dunk, JD Sloane, I Cannon, and JR Wiles. 2023. Peer-led team learning in an undergraduate biology course: Impacts on recruitment, retention, and imposter phenomenon. BMC Research Notes, 16:73. doi:10.1186/s13104-023-06338-7

11. Costello, R, AE Beatty, RDP Dunk, SN Ewell, JE Pruett, and MJ Ballen. 2023. Re-envisioning biology curricula to recognize biases in science. Research in Science Education: doi:10.1007/s11165-023-10101-0

10. Dunk, RDP, J Sexton, K Hinerman, and EA Holt. 2022. Development of the Biotic Impacts of Climate Change Core Concepts (BIC4) framework. Environmental Education Research, 28:1175-1190. doi: 10.1080/13504622.2022.2069682

9. Sloane, JD, RDP Dunk, JJ Snyder, CI Winterton, KM Schmid, and JR Wiles. 2021. Peer-led team learning is associated with an increased retention rate for STEM majors from marginalized groups. Proceedings of the 13th Annual Research Symposium, National Association of Biology Teachers.

8. Grunspan, D, RDP Dunk, ME Barnes, JR Wiles, and SE Brownell. 2021. A comparison study of human examples vs. non-human examples in an evolution lesson leads to differential impacts on student learning experiences in an introductory biology course. Evolution: Education and Outreach 14:9. doi: 10.1186/s12052-021-00148-w

7. Dewsbury, B, M Segura-Totten, SM Lo, EG Bailey, L Beaster-Jones, RJ Bills, SE Brownell, N Caporale, R Dunk, SL Eddy, ME García-Ojeda, SM Gardner, L Green, L Hartley, C Harrison, MM Imad, AM Janosik, S Jeong, T Josek, P Kadandale, J Knight, M Ko, S Kukday, P Lemons, M Litster, B Lom, P Ludwig, K McDonald, A McIntosh, S Menezes, E Nadile, S Newman, S Ochoa, O Olabisi, M Owens, R Price, J Reid, N Ruggeri, C Sabatier, J Sabel, B Sato, BL Smith-Keiling, S Tatapudy, E Theobald, B Tripp, M Pradhan, M Venkatesh, M Wilton, AN Warfa, B Wyatt, S Raut. 2021. Chronicling the journey of the Society for the Advancement in Biology Education Research (SABER) in its effort to become antiracist: From acknowledgement to action. Frontiers in Education 6:780401. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2021.780401

6. Schmid, KM, RDP Dunk, and JR Wiles. 2021. Early exposure to primary literature and interactions with scientists influences novice students' views on the nature of science. Journal of College Science Teaching 50:40-47.

5. Winterton, CI, RDP Dunk, and JR Wiles. 2020. Peer-Led Team Learning for introductory biology: Relationships between peer-leader relatability, perceived role model status, and the potential influences of these variables on student learning gains. Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research 2:3. doi: 10.1186/s43031-020-00020-9

4. Dunk, RDP, ME Barnes, MJ Reiss, B Alters, A Asghar, BE Carter, S Cotner, AL Glaze, PH Hawley, JJ Jensen, LS Mead, LS Nadelson, CE Nelson, B Pobiner, EC Scott, A Shtulman, GM Sinatra, SA Southerland, EW Walter, SE Brownell, and JR Wiles. 2019. Evolution education is a complex landscape. Nature Ecology and Evolution 3:327-329. doi: 10.1038/s41559-019-0802-9

3. Dunk, RDP, AJ Petto, JR Wiles, and BC Campbell. 2017. A multivariate analysis of acceptance of evolution. Evolution: Education and Outreach 10:4. doi:10.1186/s12052-017-0068-0

2. Snyder, JJ, JD Sloane, RDP Dunk, and JR Wiles. 2016. Peer Led Team Learning helps minority students succeed. PLoS Biology 14:e1002398. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1002398

1. Dunk, RDP, AJ Petto, GC Mayer, and BC Campbell. 2015. Seasonality of conceptions in captive rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). International Journal of Primatology, 36:855-870. doi:10.1007/s10764-015-9858-9