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Headshot photo of Quinton L. Williams

Quinton L. Williams

Department Chair and Professor of Physics

  • Physics and Astronomy
  • College of Arts & Sciences


Dr. Quinton L. Williams is Professor and Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy.  His research group is currently investigating nanomaterials and lithium iron phosphate batteries.  In industry, Dr. Williams worked at Lucent Technologies – Bell Labs in fiber optics and photonics before co-founding an integrated optics company.  From 2003 - 2014, he served as Professor and Chair of the Department of Physics and as Interim Provost at Jackson State University in Jackson, MS.  Since 2014, he has served as Professor and Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Howard University.  He is a Past-President of the National Society of Black Physicists and formerly an elected member of the Governing Board of the American Institute of Physics.  He has published nearly 40 scientific publications and given numerous invited presentations.  Dr. Williams received his Ph.D. in physics from the Georgia Institute of Technology and his B.S. in physics from Jackson State University.

Education & Expertise



Georgia Institue of Technology


Jackson State University


Advanced Materials and Rechargeable Batteries

Dr. Williams' current research is on renewable energy and batteries.  He has published several research articles on the application of carbon nanomaterials to improve the lifetime and charging rate of Li-ion batteries. 




Physics - Advanced Batteries; Optics and Photonics


Current Funding: 


Understanding the Interfaces for High-Energy Batteries Using Anions as Charge Carriers, Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Subaward Principal Investigator: Quinton L. Williams, Project period: 09/01/2022 - 08/31/2025, $705,000.


NSF: “REU Site in Physics at Howard University,” Renewal, National Science Foundation (NSF), Prabhakar Misra (PI), Silvina Gatica & Quinton Williams (Co-PIs), $301,919; 2020-2023.



Brief Summary of Notable Achievements

Dr. Williams has worked in industry at Lucent Technologies – Bell Laboratories in fiber optics. He also co-founded a venture capital-backed integrated optics company in Atlanta, GA before joining academia.  Prof. Williams has served on major national taskforces to produce seminal reports to help increase diversity in physics and has directly supported and trained over thirty minority undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in his research laboratories. He is a Past-President of the National Society of Black Physicists (NSBP), a Fellow of NSBP and was an elected member of the Governing Board of the American Institute of Physics.

Published Articles and Presentations

Battery Publications

1. Q. L. Williams, A. Adepoju, S. Zaab, M. Doumbia, Y. Alqahtani and V. Adebayo, Book Chapter: Application of Carbon Nanomaterials on the Performance of Li-Ion Batteries, Misra (Ed.): Spectroscopy and Characterization of Nanomaterials and Novel Materials. Experiments, Modeling, Simulations, and Applications, Wiley (Mar. 2022). ISBN: 978-3-527-34937-1.


2. Alqahtani, Y.M. and Williams, Q.L., Reduction of Capacity Fading in High-Voltage NMC Batteries with the Addition of Reduced Graphene Oxide, Materials, 15, No. 6, 2146 (2022).


3. Adewale A. Adepoju and Quinton L. Williams, High C-rate performance of LiFePO4/carbon nanofibers composite cathode for Li-ion batteries, Current Applied Physics, Vol. 20 (2020).


4. Adewale A. Adepoju, Mohamed Doumbia and Quinton L. Williams, “Graphene Nanoplatelet Additives for High C-rate LiFePO4 Battery Cathodes”, Journal of Metals: Quantum Materials for Energy-Efficient Computing, volume 72, pages 3170–3175 (2020).


5. Adewale A. Adepoju, Thomas A. Searles, Jeffrey A. Fagan, and Quinton L. Williams, Effect of sorted metallic and semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes on LiFePO4 cathode material for lithium ion batteries, ECS Transactions, 80 (10) 267-274 (2017).


6. V. S. Reddy Channu, Rudolf Holze, Edwin H. Walker Jr., S.A. Wicker Sr, Rajamohan R. Kalluru, Quinton L.Williams, and Wilbur Walters, Synthesis and Characterization of Lithium Vanadates for Electrochemical Applications, Int. Journ. Electrochem. Sci., vol. 5, pp. 1355 – 1366 (2010).


7. Channua, V. S. R., Williams, Q. L., and Kalluru, R.R., Characterization of (Ru-Sn)O2 nanomaterials for supercapacitors, Electrochemical Society - 218th ECS Meeting Abstracts 2010, MA 2010-02 1, pp. 399 (2010).


8. V. S. Reddy Channu, Rudolf Holze, B. Rambabu, Rajamohan R. Kalluru, Quinton L. Williams, Chen Wen, Reduction of V4+ from V5+ using polymer as a surfactant for electrochemical applications, Int. Journ. Electrochem. Sci., vol. 5, pp. 605 – 614 (2010).