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Headshot photo of Nkechi Enwerem

Nkechi Enwerem

Associate Professor

  • Nursing
  • College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences


Dr. Enwerem has worked as a Senior Research Fellow in Nigeria, a Project coordinator for a UNDP (United Nation’s Development Program) project in Nigeria, Assistant Professor and Associate Professor in the Department of Nursing, Howard University. Over the years, Dr. Enwerem has taught several Nursing courses. She teaches and coordinates Health Assessment, Pharmacology for undergraduate nursing program and Advance Pharmacology for nursing graduate students. She has a broad educational background. A Bachelor’s degree in pharmacology and nursing; a Master’s and a Ph.D. degree in Medicinal Chemistry; Master’s  degree    in Community/ Public Health Nursing and a post diploma certificate in Nursing and Health science education.

Dr Enwerem’s research interest is to understand the underlying risk factors that contribute to health disparity among the minorities and the underprivileged population. In so doing, design health interventions that are culture specific and evidence based.

 Dr. Enwerem has over 25 publications in peer reviewed journals in the area of nursing, chemistry and natural products.Her current research grant funding:  HHS/OPA, Howard University-District of Columbia (PI); Title: Expectant and Parenting Youth (DCNEXT!); July 2020 – June 2023

Education & Expertise


Community/Public Health Nursing

University of Maryland


University of Maryland


University of Ibadan

Medicinal Chemistry

Loughborough University of Technology, England


University of Bath, England



Health Assessment



Undergraduate and Graduate




Dr Enwerem’s research interest is to understand the underlying risk factors that contribute to health disparity among the minorities and the underprivileged population. In so doing, design health interventions that are culture specific and evidence based.


  • Ongoing ResearchSupport



Howard University-District of Columbia

Title: Expectant and Parenting Youth (DCNEXT!)

July 2020 – June 2023

Role: PI

Group Information

Howard University, Children's National Hospital and District of Columbia Primary Care Association

Published Articles and Presentations

Momordica Charantia (Bitter Melon): Safety and Efficacy During Pregnancy and Lactation

Nkechi Enwerem, Priscillia Okunji , Ntekim Oyonumo & Amos Samson(2018). Momordica Charantia (Bitter Melon): Safety and Efficacy During Pregnancy and Lactation. International Journal of Studies in Nursing; Vol. 3, No. 2; 2018 ISSN 2424-9653 E-ISSN 2529-7317 pp140-145

Prevalence of Parkinson Disease in Hospitalized Patients With Congestive Heart Failure.

N.M. Enwerem, P.O. Okunji, J.S. Ngwa, S.G. Karavatas, T.V. Fungwe & T.O. Obisesan (2018). Prevalence of Parkinson Disease in Hospitalized Patients With Congestive Heart Failure. International Journal of Studies in Nursing; Vol. 3, No. 2;2018 ISSN2424-9653pp23-30

Prevalence of Alzheimer Disease in Hospitalized Patients with CongestiveHeart Failure

Priscilla O. Okunji, Ngwa JS, Enwerem NM, Karavatas SG, Fungwe TV, Obisesan TO(2017). Prevalence of Alzheimer Disease in Hospitalized Patients with CongestiveHeart Failure. International Journal of Nursing & Clinical Practices. 4: 249

Evaluation of the Anticancer Activity of Bioactive Fraction G Extracted from Pavetta crassipes in Malignant Brain Tumor Cell Lines.

Rachel MW, Eric DH, Stacy L, Belinda OD, Martins OE, Karniyus SG, AbayomiO, Nkechi E, Benjamin AK, Rebecca JG, Denise SS and Samson A(2017) Evaluation of the Anticancer Activity of Bioactive Fraction G Extracted from Pavetta crassipes in Malignant Brain Tumor Cell Lines. American Journal of Phytomedicine and Clinical Therapeutics. Vol. 5 No. 2: 16 ISSN 2321-2748

Knowledge of food and drug interactions among Nurses: Assessment Strategy for Continuing Education

Enwerem, N.M., Okunji, P.O. (2017). Knowledge of food and drug interactions among Nurses: Assessment Strategy for Continuing Education. International Journal of Higher Education: Vol 6(1).pp122-130

Food-Drug Interactions: Implications for Nursing Practice. Nursing & Healthcare

Enwerem NM*, Okunji P and Johnson A (2017). Food-Drug Interactions: Implications for Nursing Practice. Nursing & Healthcare International Journal. Volume 1 Issue 1pp102