PhD, Mathematics and Education
Columbia University

Nathan Alexander
Assistant Professor
- Curriculum and Instruction
- School of Education
- Graduate School
Additional Positions
Assistant Graduate DirectorCenter for Applied Data Science and Analytics
Nathan Alexander, PhD, is an assistant professor of curriculum and instruction in the Howard University School of Education and he holds a joint faculty appointment in the Center for Applied Data Science and Analytics (CADSA). His research examines the history and development of computational practices and quantitative literacy, especially in Black educational settings; he also studies the role of history and context in probability theory, statistical data analysis, and mathematical education. He is the founder and director of the Quantitative Histories Workshop, a computational and community-centered teaching and learning lab.
Education & Expertise
MAT, Mathematics
New York University
BA, Mathematics and Sociology
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Probability, statistics and data science education
Quantitative historical studies
Undergraduate and k-12 mathematics education
DATA 202: Statistically Measuring and Modeling Social Justice
EDUC 315: Principles of Teaching Mathematics & Science II
EDUC 480: International Internship and Special Topics Seminar
DATA 410: Independent Study
Sloan Foundation. Open Source Workshops and Lesson Development for Faculty and Students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Principal Investigator (PI) with Hye Ryeon Jang (Co-PI) and Kari Jordan (Co-PI). Open Source Software Development, 2023-2024. (Funded, $249,705)
New Ventures Fund. Development of Community-based Experiential Learning Programs in Data Science. Principal Investigator (PI), Capacity Accelerator Network. 2022-2023. (Funded, $115,000)
Microsoft Corporation. Summer Research Experience in Data Science and Critical Mathematics (DSCM). Principal Investigator (PI), 2022-2024. (Funded, $47,000)
AUC Data Science Initiative. Initial Development of a Problem-based Active Learning Framework for Data Science. Principal Investigator (PI), Summer Research Grant. 2022. (Funded, $3,000)
Associated Colleges of the South (ACS). Teaching Social Justice Mathematics. Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI) with Dr. Viveka Borum (PI) and Dr. Zeynep Teymuroglu (Co-PI). Diversity & Inclusion Faculty Grant, 2019-2020. (Funded, $27,765)
California State Board of Education. Development & Implementation of 4-Year Integrated Programs Leading to the Baccalaureate Degree in Mathematics & Teaching Credential. Co-Principal Investigator (Co- PI) with Dr. Michael Rozendal (PI), Mary Labiak-Coen (Co-PI), & Melissa Hope (Co-PI). Commission on Teacher Credentialing, 2017-2018. (Funded, $248,899)
2024-2025 IES IMMERSE Fellow
2025-2028 MAA-NAM Section Lecturer
Related Articles
Alexander, N. N., Appling, T., Banuelos, M., Bello, G., Brown, A., Century, J., Connor, K., Ji, H., Levy, R., Mitchell, P., Mongeau, D., Mysliwiec, M., Niu, J., Paykin, S., Quarkume, A., Schiffman, J., Skinner, L., Uminsky, D. & Zhong, P. (2024). Data Science for Social Impact in Higher Education: First Steps. Playbook. Available at:
Ballenger, H. J., Washington, T., Clark, R., Lockhart, J. W., Adebowale, J., Hearn, D., Dotson, E., Gaines, J., Bennett, V., Teodorescu, D., Alexander, N. N., Gilbert, N., Lamar, T., Morris, M., Neely, A., Borum, V., Ellis, V., & Johnson, K. (December 2023). Atlanta University Center Data Science Initiative - Data Science for K-12 Listening Session Report. Available at SSRN:
Jones, Q., Vindas Meléndez, A. R., Mendible, A., Aminian, M., Brooks, H. Z., Alexander, N. N., Diaz Eaton, C., Chodrow, P. (2023). Data science and social justice in the mathematics community. Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 70(9), 1479-1489.
Voigt, M., Hagman, J. E., Gehrtz, J., Ratliff, B., Alexander, N. N., & Levy, R. (Eds.) (2023). Justice through the lens of calculus: Framing new possibilities for diversity, equity, and inclusion. The Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Notes Volume.
Alexander, N. N., Ratliff, B., Levy, R., Voigt, M., Hagman, J. E., Gehrtz, J. (2023). Cross-cutting inquiries: Moving Towards a Systems-critical Practice. In M. Voigt, J. E. Hagman, J. Gehrtz, B. Ratliff, N. N. Alexander, & R. Levy (Eds.). Justice through the lens of calculus: Framing new possibilities for diversity, equity, and inclusion. MAA Notes Volume.
Alexander N. N., Diaz Eaton C., Shrout A. H., Tsinnajinnie B., Tsosie K. (2022). Beyond ethics: Considerations for centering equity-minded data science. Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, 12(2), 254–300.
Alexander, N. N. (2022). A Legacy of Literacy: Mathematics Teachers and the Quests for Racial Justice. In D. C. Hucks, Y. S. Ruiz, V. Showunmi, S. C. Carothers, & C. W. Lewis (Eds.), Purposeful Teaching and Learning in Diverse Contexts: Implications for Access, Equity and Achievement (pp. 3-23). Charlotte: IAP.
Alexander, N. N. (2022). [Exercises on the Quantification of Racial Injustices in the U.S.]. In W. K. Bell & K. Schatz (Eds.), Do the Work!: An Antiracist Activity Book. New York: Workman Publishing.
Alexander, N. N. (2019). Critical Race Theory and Afrofuturism in Mathematics Education. In J. Davis & C. C. Jett (Eds.), Critical Race Theory in Mathematics Education (pp. 56-74). New York: Routledge.
Alexander, N. N., Teymuroglu, Z., & Yerger, C. R. (2019). Critical Conversations on Social Justice in Undergraduate Mathematics. PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies, 29(4), 396-419.
Adiredja, A., Alexander, N. N., & Andrews-Larson, C. (2015). Conceptualizing Equity in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. In T. Fukawa-Connelly, G. Karakok, K. Keene, and M. Zandieh (Eds.), Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, 18(1), 60-73. Pittsburgh, PA.
Leong, K., & Alexander, N. N. (2014). College Students’ Attitude and Mathematics Achievement using Web-based Homework. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 10(6), 609-615.
Alexander, N. N. (2013). Choosing a College. In H. Gould, D. Murray, & A. Sanfratello (Eds.), Mathematical Modeling Handbook: Volume 1 (p. 34-48). Bedford, MA: Consortium for Mathematics & its Applications (CoMAP).
Alexander, N. N. (2013). Gender Inequality: Mathematics. In J. Ainsworth (Ed.), Sociology of Education: An A-to-Z Guide, SAGE: London, UK.
Gholson, M., Bullock, E., & Alexander, N. N. (2012). On the Brilliance of Black Children: A Response to a Clarion Call (Editorial). Journal of Urban Mathematics Education, 5(2), pp. 1-8.