Integrated Therapeutics 3 Infectious Diseases Pharmacotherapy
This course will be taught by the clinical and basic science faculty together to provide instruction utilizing both didactic and practical experience sessions. The course is organized by organ systems of the human body and various diseases associated with them.Students will learn about the pathophysiology and pharmacotherapy of various disease states that health care practitioners (pharmacists) may encounter in their practice settings. Students will also learn to make appropriate therapy choices, define goals oftherapy, and learn to assess whether these goals are being achieved. Students will learn to create, implement and monitor pharmaceutical care plans. A goal of this course is to prepare students with the ability to render pharmaceutical care and participate successfully for the experiential program.The course is structured in a modular format. In order for students to achieve the course goals and objectives, a number of teaching methods will be employed. Students will participate in traditional lectures, small group discussions, and practical laboratories to reinforce didactic teaching and web discussions.Appropriate therapy for community acquired infections and hospital acquired infections will be compared. Recent epidemiological data from Center for Disease Control and Prevention and their guidelinesfor treatment, preventive and the various infection control measures will be studied. This includes defining the goals of therapy, selecting appropriate therapy from among available choices, and evaluating and documenting outcomes. Students will gainexperience with various patient focused care processes. Upon completion of this course, students should be prepared to participate in offering patient care for the infectious diseases and conditions.