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Headshot photo of Mildred A Pointer

Mildred A Pointer


  • Biology
  • College of Arts & Sciences


Dr. Mildred A. Pointer serves as the Chairperson of the Department of Biology at Howard University. Dr. Pointer has been continually funded as a PI of projects since 2005, four years after joining the faculty at NCCU with the charge of establishing an independent research program. Since that time, individual projects have brought in over $5.3 million in directs and indirects and an additional $8 million in directs and indirects as multiple PI of a program grant.  Her population studies project is in its fourth 5-yr cycle of funding.

Office Location: Just Hall Room 130

Office Telephone: (202) 806-6933


Education & Expertise



NC Central University/Durham


Wake Forest Univ/Winston-Salem


Salt-sensitive hypertension

Stress and Kidney disease

Calcium role in cardio-metabolic disease




Renal Physiology


Stress and African American Male Predisposition for Kidney and Cardiometabolic Disease

NIMHD U54 RCMI (Kumar, PI) 9/1/2017 – 8/31/2022

The goal is to determine if there are sex differences in perceived racism/stress activation of the hypothalamus

pituitary adrenal stress system in African American



AHA Career Development Award November 2018

Founding member of the American Society of Hypertension

SCOR on Ischemic Heart Disease in Blacks NIH (co-investigator and Director of Animal Core) (1995-2000)

AstraZeneca Pharmaceutical Award (co-PI) (1998-2001)

Published Articles and Presentations

Gender Differences in Preclinical Markers of Kidney Injury in a Rural North Carolina African American Cohort Front Public Health

Pointer MA, Hicks K, Williams-Devane C, Wells C, Greene N; Gender Differences in Preclinical Markers of Kidney Injury in a Rural North Carolina African American Cohort Front Public Health. 2015 Jan 26;3:7. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2015.00007

Differential Effect of Renal Cortical and Medullary Interstitial Fluid Calcium on Blood Pressure Regulation in Salt-sensitive Hypertension

Pointer MA, Eley S, Anderson L, Waters B, Royall R, Nichols S, Wells C; Differential Effect of RenalCortical and Medullary Interstitial Fluid Calcium on Blood Pressure Regulation in Salt-sensitiveHypertension Am J Hypertens. 2014 Dec 31. pii: hpu255.

Effects of leucine supplementation and serum withdrawal on branched-chain amino acid pathway gene and protein expression in mouse adipocytes

Kitsy A, Carney S, Vivar JC, Knight MS, Pointer MA, Gwathmey JK, Ghosh S; Effects of leucine supplementation and serum withdrawal on branched-chain amino acid pathway gene and protein expression in mouse adipocytes; PLoS One. 2014 Jul 22;9(7):e102615.

State anxiety is associated with cardiovascular reactivity in young, healthy African Americans

Pointer MA, Yancey S, Abou-Chacra R, Petrussi P, Waters SJ, McClelland MK, State anxiety is associated with cardiovascular reactivity in young, healthy African Americans Int J Hypertension 2012; 2012:268013 ePub.

Physiologic Stress Increases Renal Injury in eNOS Knockout Mice

Pointer MA, Daumerie G, Bridges L, Yancey S, Howard K, Davis W, Huang P, Loscalzo J. Physiologic Stress Increases Renal Injury in eNOS Knockout Mice. Hypertension Research Hypertension Res 2012; 35(3):318-4.

Mesenteric Artery Contraction and Relaxation Studies Using Automated Wire Myography

Bridges L, Williams C, Pointer MA, Awumey E. Mesenteric Artery Contraction and Relaxation Studies Using Automated Wire Myography. Journal of visualized Experiments 2011.

The Effect of Salt on Renal Injury in eNOS-deficient Mice

Daumerie G, Toolan K, Toolan G, Bridges L, Yancey S, Davis W, Huang P, Loscalzo J., Pointer MA. The Effect of Salt on Renal Injury in eNOS-deficient Mice. Hypertension Res 2010 Feb;33(2):170-6.

Psychosocial Factors Contribute to Resting Blood Pressure in African Americans

Pointer MA, Livingston JN, Yancey S, McClelland MK, Bukoski RD. Psychosocial Factors Contribute to Resting Blood Pressure in African Americans 2008, Ethnicity & Disease 18:289-293

Action of Thiazide on Renal Interstitial Calcium.

Eley S, Allen C, Williams C, Bukoski RD, Pointer MA, Action of Thiazide on Renal Interstitial Calcium. 2008 Am J Hypertension 21:814-819.

Different Effects of Angiotensin Receptor Blockade on End-organ Damage in Salt-dependent and -independent

Maitland K, Bridges L, Davis W, Loscalzo J, Pointer MA. Different Effects of Angiotensin Receptor Blockade on End-organ Damage in Salt-dependent and -independent 2006 Circulation; 114:905-91.

Endocannabinoids acting at CB1 receptors regulate cardiovascular function in hypertension

Bátkai S, Pacher P, Osei-Hyiaman D, Radaeva S, Liu J, Harvey-White J, Offertáler L, Mackie K, Rudd MA, Bukoski RD, Kunos G Endocannabinoids acting at CB1 receptors regulate cardiovascular function in hypertension 2004; Circulation 110:1996-2002

Renal interstitial Ca2+ during sodium loading of normotensive and Dahl-salt hypertensive rats

Palmer CE, Rudd MA, Bukoski RD. Renal interstitial Ca2+ during sodium loading of normotensive and Dahl-salt hypertensive rats 2003; Am J Hypertens16:771-776.

Normal perivascular sensory dilator nerve function in arteries of Zucker diabetic fatty rats

Pamarthi MF, Rudd MA, Bukoski RD Normal perivascular sensory dilator nerve function in arteries of Zucker diabetic fatty rats 2002 Am J Hypertens15: 310-315.

Serial noninvasive assessment of progressive pulmonary hypertension in a rat model

Jones MA, Mendes L, Rudd MA, Russo G, Loscalzo J, Zhang Y-Y Serial noninvasive assessment of progressive pulmonary hypertension in a rat model A. J. Physiol 2002; 283:H364-H371.

Oxidative stress and renal dysfunction in salt-sensitive hypertension

Trolliet MR, Rudd MA, Loscalzo J. Oxidative stress and renal dysfunction in salt-sensitive hypertension. Kid Blood Press Res Kidney Blood Press Res 2001; 24: 116-123.

Endothelial dysfunction in mild hyperhomocystemia

Eberhardt RT, Forgione MA, Cap A, Rudd MA, Trolliet MT, Heydrick S, Stark R, Klings ES, Moldovan N, Yaghoubi M, Goldschmidt P, Farber HW, Cohen R, Loscalzo J. Endothelial dysfunction in mild hyperhomocystemia JCI 2000;106:483-491.

Cell-surface protein disulfide isomerase catalyzes transnotrosation and regulates intracellular transfer of nitric oxide.

Zai A, Rudd MA, Scribner AM, Loscalzo J. Cell-surface protein disulfide isomerase catalyzes transnotrosation and regulates intracellular transfer of nitric oxide. J. Clin Invest 1999; 103:393-399.

Salt-induced hypertension in Dahl salt-resistant rats with inhibition of inducible nitric oxide synthase.

Rudd MA, Trolliet M, Hope S, Scribner AM, Daumerie G, Loscalzo J. Salt-induced hypertension in Dahl salt-resistant rats with inhibition of inducible nitric oxide synthase. Am J. Physiol 1999; 277:H732-H739.

S-transnitrosation reactions are involved in the metabolic fate and biological actions of nitric oxide

Lui Z, Rudd MA, Freedman JE, Loscalzo J. S-transnitrosation reactions are involved in the metabolic fate and biological actions of nitric oxide. J. Pharm Exp Therapeut 1998; 284:526-534.

Recombinant human macrophage colony stimulating factor reduces plasma cholesterol and carrageenan foam cell formation in Watanabe Heritable Hyperlipidemic rabbits.

Schaub RG, Bree MP, Hayes LL, Rudd MA, Rabbani LE, Loscalzo J. Recombinant human macrophage colony stimulating factor reduces plasma cholesterol and carrageenan foam cell formation in Watanabe Heritable Hyperlipidemic rabbits. Arteriosclerosis Thromb 1994; 14:70-76

PPACK attenuates plasmininduced changes in endothelial integrity.

Rabbani LE, Johnstone MT, Rudd MA, Devine P, George D, Loscalzo J. PPACK attenuates plasmininduced changes in endothelial integrity. Thrombosis Res 1993; 70:425-436.

Effect of thrombin inhibition on the dynamics of thrombolysis and on platelet function during thrombolytic therapy.

Rudd MA, George D, Johnstone MT, Moore RT, Collins L, Rabbani LE, Loscalzo J. Effect of thrombin inhibition on the dynamics of thrombolysis and on platelet function during thrombolytic therapy. Circ Res 1992; 70:829-834.

Thrombolytic therapy causes an increase in vascular permeability that is reversed by DDAVP

Rudd MA, Johnstone MT, Rabbani LE, George D, Ware JA, Loscalzo J. Thrombolytic therapy causes an increase in vascular permeability that is reversed by DDAVP. Circulation 1991; 84:2568-2573.

Bleeding time prolongation with streptokinase and its reduction with DDAVP.

Johnstone MT, Andrews T, Ware TA, Rudd MA, George D, Weinstein M, Loscalzo J. Bleeding time prolongation with streptokinase and its reduction with DDAVP. Circulation 1990; 82:2142-2151.

Plasma membrane enrichment with cisunsaturated fatty acids enhances LDL metabolism in U937 monocytes

Kuo PC, Weinfeld M, Rudd MA, Amarante P, Loscalzo J. Plasma membrane enrichment with cisunsaturated fatty acids enhances LDL metabolism in U937 monocytes. Arteriosclerosis 1990; 10:111-118.

The temporal effects of thrombolytic agents on platelet function in vivo and their modulation by prostaglandins.

Rudd MA, George D, Amarante P, Vaughan DE, Loscalzo J. The temporal effects of thrombolytic agents on platelet function in vivo and their modulation by prostaglandins. Circ Res 1990; 1175-1181.

Atrial natriuretic factor-specific antibody as a tool for physiologic studies

Rudd MA, Plavin S, Hirsch AT, Ingelfinger, JR, Dzau VJ. Atrial natriuretic factor-specific antibody as a tool for physiologic studies. Circulation 1989; 65:1324-1329.

Effect of dietary fat saturation on low density lipoprotein degradation by mononuclear cells of cebus monkeys

Kuo PC, Rudd MA, Nicolosi R, Loscalzo J. Effect of dietary fat saturation on low density lipoprotein degradation by mononuclear cells of cebus monkeys. Arteriosclerosis 1989; 9:919-927.

Frequency of hypercholesterolemia after cardiac transplantation.

Stamler JS, Vaughan DE, Rudd MA, Mudge GH, Kirshenbaum J, Young P, Alexander RW, Loscalzo J. Frequency of hypercholesterolemia after cardiac transplantation. Am J Cardiol 1988; 62:1268-1272.

Unsaturated fatty acids enhance low density lipoprotein uptake and degradation by peripheral blood mononuclear cells.

Loscalzo J, Freedman J, Rudd MA, Barsky-Vasserman I, Vaughan DE. Unsaturated fatty acids enhance low density lipoprotein uptake and degradation by peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Arteriosclerosis 1987; 7:450-455.

Acute renal denervation produces a diuresis and natriuresis in young SHR but not WKY rats

Rudd MA, Grippo RS, Arendshorst WJ. Acute renal denervation produces a diuresis and natriuresis in young SHR but not WKY rats. Am J Physiol 1986; 251:F655-F661.