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Headshot photo of Michael A Thomas

Michael A Thomas

Associate Professor

  • Biology
  • College of Arts & Sciences


Michael A Thomas, PhD, is a virologist by training with research interests in cancer biology and vaccine design and development. 

Education & Expertise


University of California, Los Angeles

Wake Forest University

Postdoctoral Fellow
IBRI, Vaccine Branch, NCI, NIH


Virus-Host Interaction

Vaccine Design and Development

Cancer Biology and Therapeutics



Virology (BIOL/BIOG421)

Molecular Biology (BIOL320)




Virus-Host Interaction


NIH K99/R00 AI Effective Replicating Adenovirus-HIV Vaccines 2017-2019 

Pathway to Independence Awards (K99/R00) -Grant Number: 1K99AI114379 -2014-207


Group Information

HIV Vaccine Design and Development: Viruses are the most abundant entities in this biosphere. While largely known for their disruptive potential and the heavy toll they can take on human health, viruses can also be used as instruments to improve health. A research focus in the Thomas lab centers on providing a better understanding of virus-host cell interactions that influence the immune responses generated against replicating adenovirus vectors and inserted HIV-transgenes. Our objective is to use this understanding to design and develop an effective HIV vaccine. 

Cancer Biology and Therapeutics: Adenovirus perturbs many of the pathways active in the development of cancer. These interactions support an additional research focus of our lab that enables us to 1) gain a better understanding of key events that occurs in cancer and 2) further understand how adenovirus causes disease (pathogenesis). We are also interested in exploring ways in which we can apply the lessons learned from our HIV vaccine studies to other endeavors, such as the creation of a therapeutic cancer vaccines. 

Research Opportunities: Students in the Thomas lab will have the opportunity to acquire and develop skills in advanced immunology, molecular virology, cellular biology and other areas of biomedical research. Most of the studies are translated from cells to mice to nonhuman primates and, we hope, eventually to humans. 

Published Articles and Presentations

Published Articles and Presentations

Beyond Oncolytics: E1B55K-Deleted Adenovirus as a Vaccine Delivery Vector.

Thomas MA, Nyanhete T, Tuero I, Venzon D, Robert-Guroff M. Beyond Oncolytics: E1B55K-Deleted Adenovirus as a Vaccine Delivery Vector. PLoS One. 2016 Jul 8;11(7):e0158505. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0158505. eCollection 2016.

 HIV-1 CD4-induced (CD4i) gp120 epitope vaccines promote B and T-cell responses that contribute to reduced viral loads in rhesus macaques

Thomas, M.A., Tuero, I., Demberg, T., Vargas-Inchaustegui, D.A., Musich, T., Xiao, P., Venzon, D., Labranche, C., Montefiori, D.C., DiPasquale, J., Reed, S.G., DeVico, A., Fouts, T., Lewis, G.K., Gallo, R.C., and Robert-Guroff, M.:  HIV-1 CD4-induced (CD4i) gp120 epitope vaccines promote B and T-cell responses that contribute to reduced viral loads in rhesus macaques.  Virology, 471-473:  81-92, 2014.  doi: 10.1016/j.virol.2014.10.001

Rhesus macaque rectal and duodenal tissues exhibit B-cell sub-populations distinct from peripheral blood ...

Thomas, M.A., Thorsten Demberg, Diego A. Vargas-Inchaustegui, Peng Xiao, Iskra Tuero, David Venzon, Deborah Weiss, James Treece, and Marjorie Robert-Guroff:  Rhesus macaque rectal and duodenal tissues exhibit B-cell sub-populations distinct from peripheral blood that continuously secrete antigen-specific IgA in short-term explant cultures. Vaccine, 32: 872-80, 2014.

Effects of the deletion of early region 4 (E4) open reading frame 1 (orf1), orf1-2, orf1-3 and orf1-4 on virus-host...

Thomas, M.A., Song, R., Demberg, T., Vargas-Inchaustegui, D.A., Venzon D., and Robert-Guroff, M.:  Effects of the deletion of early region 4 (E4) open reading frame 1 (orf1), orf1-2, orf1-3 and orf1-4 on virus-host cell interaction, transgene expression, and immunogenicity of replicating adenovirus HIV vaccine vectors. PLoS ONE 8(10): e76344. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0076344, 2013

Replicating adenovirus-SIV recombinant priming and envelope protein boosting elicits localized

Xiao, P., Patterson, L.J., Kuate, S., Brocca-Cofano, E., Thomas, M.A., Venzon, D., Zhao, J., DiPasquale, J., Fenizia, C., Lee, E.M., Kalisz, I., Kalyanaraman, V.S., Pal, R., Montefiori, D., Keele, B.F., and Robert-Guroff, M.:  Replicating adenovirus-SIV recombinant priming and envelope protein boosting elicits localized, mucosal IgA immunity in rhesus macaques correlated with delayed acquisition following a repeated low dose rectal SIVmac251 challenge.  J. Virol., 86: 4644-4657, 2012.

Low dose penile SIVmac251 exposure of rhesus macaques infected with adenovirus type 5 (Ad5)

Qureshi, H., Ma, Z.M., Huang, Y., Hodge, G., Thomas, M.A., DiPasquale, J., DeSilva, V., Fritts, L., Bett, A.J., Casimiro, D., Shiver, J.W., Robert-Guroff, M., Robertson, M.N., McChesney, M.B., Gilbert, P.B., and Miller, C.J.:  Low dose penile SIVmac251 exposure of rhesus macaques infected with adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) and then immunized with a replication defective Ad5-based SIV gag/pol/nef vaccine recapitulates the results of the Phase IIb Step trial of a similar HIV-1 vaccine.  J.Virol., 86: 2239-2250, 2012.

E4orf1 limits the oncolytic potential of the E1B-55K-deleted adenovirus.

Thomas, M.A., Broughton, R.S., Goodrum, F.D., and Ornelles, D. A.:  E4orf1 limits the oncolytic potential of the E1B-55K-deleted adenovirus.  J. Virol., 83: 2406-2416, 2009.