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Headshot photo of Meirong Liu

Meirong Liu (She/Her/Hers)

Professor, Director of Ph. D. Program, Chair of Research Sequence

  • Office of Research, Social Work
  • School of Social Work
  • Chair, Research Sequence
    Social Work


My research focuses on how public programs and private assistance help vulnerable children meet their basic needs, health disparities experienced by racial/ethnic minorities, and multicultural social work. I have been successful in securing over seven million dollars in grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Health Resources and Services Administration, Bezos Earth Foundation, and the Princeton Alliance for Collaborative Research and Innovation. My work has been widely published in leading international social work and public health journals, and I have been invited to serve on the editorial boards of high-impact peer-reviewed journals and esteemed academic publishers including the Oxford University Press, Sage Publication, as well as research grant peer review panels by NIH R01 and the Princeton Alliance for Collaborative Research and Innovation.

In addition to my research, I am committed to advancing equity and inclusion in the social work field. As the Chair of the Council on Social Work Education Asian and Pacific Islander Track, I have been actively involved in promoting these values. I have also contributed to the Council on Social Work Education's Global Council on Global Learning & Practice Meeting, where I have helped to advance global perspectives in social work education.

I am thrilled to share that Oxford University Press has accepted my book, "Addressing Anti-Asian Racism with Social Work Advocacy and Action" (Liu & Chan, ed.). I am excited to share my knowledge and experience with others through this publication.

Education & Expertise



Social Work
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


Applied Statistics
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


Xiamen University, China


Xiamen University, China


My research focuses on how public programs and private assistance help vulnerable children meet their basic needs, health disparities experienced by racial/ethnic minorities, and multicultural social work.



• SWPH503: Applied Methodology (Ph.D. course)

• SWRS305: Practice Evaluation (M.S.W. course)

• SWRS201: Research Methods (M.S.W. course)

• SWPS215: Social Work and the Black Perspective (M.S.W. course)

• SWPS 216: Advocating for Oppressed and Marginalized Communities (M.S.W. course)

• SWFI336: Field Education III • SWFI337: Field Education IV




My research focuses on how public programs and private assistance help vulnerable children meet their basic needs, health disparities experienced by racial/ethnic minorities, and multicultural social work.


July 2024-2025 (Role: Co-Principal Investigator) HCAI Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence at Howard University

Project title: Evaluating and Addressing Biases in Generative AI for Minority Health. P.I. Jae Eun Chung ($50,000)


January 2022 to January 2027 (Role: Co-Investigator & Director of the Evaluation Core) National Institute of Health

Project title: Howard University/Johns Hopkins Summer Research Experience Program in Oral Health Disparity for Underrepresented Racial and Ethnic Students. P.I. Xinbin Gu. ($650,000.00)


September 2022 to September 2024 (Role: P.I.) Princeton Alliance for Collaborative Research and Innovation (PACRI)

Project title: Improving the Health of Urban Minority Children Living in Public Housing ($249,244.47)


June 2022 to June 2023 (Role: Co-P.I.) Bezos Earth Found

Project title: Indoor Environmental Quality Throughout Washington DC Communities – What differences exist in exposures to adverse conditions in homes of underserved populations versus well-resourced populations? P.I. Jiang Li ($180,000.00)


July 2019 – July 2022 (Role: Co-Investigator & Chair of Evaluation Committee) Health Resources and Services Administration

Project title: Community-Based Dental Education Program for the Pediatric Dentistry Residents. P.I. George Thomas. ($3,200,000.00)


July 2020 to July 2025 (Role: Co-Investigator) Health Resources and Services Administration

Project title: Howard University College of Dentistry Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students. P.I. Andrea Jackson. ($2,250,000.00)


July 2019 to July 2022 (Role: Program Evaluation) National Science Foundation

Project title: Anthropocentric Data Analytics for Community Enrichment, National Science Foundation, P.I. Jiang Li ($443,000.00)


July 2015 to July 2022 (Role: Co-Investigator) National Institute of Health

Project title: Howard University/Johns Hopkins Summer Research Experience Program in Oral Health Disparity for Underrepresented Racial and Ethnic Students. NIH, R25DE025778-01. P.I. Xinbin Gu. ($250,000.00)


July 2014 to July 2018 (Role: Co-Investigator & Member of the Administrative Core) National Institute of Health

Project title: Howard University/Johns Hopkins University InterCenter Collaboration in HPV-Associated Cancer Studies. P.I.: Xiaowu Pang. ($1,800,000.00)


May 2012 to May 2013 (Role: P.I.) Howard University Summer Faculty Research Fellowship funding

Project title: Neighborhood effects on working mothers’ childcare arrangements. ($15,000.00)


May 2011 to May 2012 (Role: P.I.) Howard University Summer Faculty Research Fellowship funding

Project title: Neighborhood effects on working mothers’ childcare arrangements. ($15,000.00)




Published Articles and Presentations

Liu, M., Kao, D., Gu, X., Holland, W., & Cherry-Peppers, G. (2022). Oral Health Service Access in Racial/Ethnic Minority Neighborhoods: A Geospatial Analysis in Washington, DC, USA. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(9).

Liu, M., Chung, J. E., Robinson, B*., & Li, J. (2022). An Exploration of Challenges in Collaborations Between Community-Academic Partnership, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(15), 9147

Liu, M., Chung, J. E., Robinson, B., Taylor, L., Andrewn, R. A., & Li, J. (2022). A home visit program for low-income African American children with asthma: Caregivers' perception of asthma triggers and a gap in action. Journal of pediatric nursing

Liu, M., Chung, J. E., Robinson, B., MSW, Taylor, L., Andrewn, R. A., & Li, J. (2022). A home visit program for low-income African American children with asthma: Caregivers' perception of asthma triggers and a gap in action. Journal of pediatric nursin

Davis, J*., Liu, M. (2022). Using GIS to Analyze Inequality in Access to Dental Care in the District of Columbia, American Medical Association Journal of Ethic, 24 (1).

Zhang, S., Liu, M., Li, Y. & Chung, J. (2021). Teens’ Social Media Engagement during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Time Series Examination of Posting and Emotion on Reddit. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021; 18(19):1007

Liu, M. (2021). The Responsibilities and Actions of Social Workers in Eliminating Anti-Asian Racism, in Grand Challenge for Social Work, Teasley M.(eds), Oxford University Press

Liu, M., Sun, F., Zhang, Z., Jiang, G., Marsiglia, F. F., & Pantovich, T*. (2021) Enhancing field education of social work in Mainland China: perspectives from students and faculty members. China Journal of Social Work.

Zhang, S., Anderson, S., Zhi, Y. & Liu, M. (2021). Discrimination intensity and coping schemes among vulnerable adolescents: the moderating role of peer relationships, China Journal of Social Work,

Liu, M., Sun, F., Zhang, S., Tan, S., Anderson, S., & Guo, J. (2020). Youth leaving institutional care: Stress, coping mechanisms, problematic behaviors, and social support, Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal.

Zhang, H., & Liu, M. (Corresponding author) (2020). Child maltreatment and suicide ideation in rural China: The roles of self-compassion and school belonging, Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal.

Liu, M. (2018). Early Child Care. In Bornstein, H (Ed.), Sage Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development.

Anderson, S. & Liu, M. (2016). Assessing access to social services in emerging systems: A conceptual approach, Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 2, 157-180.

Liu, M., & Wu, L. (2016). An exploration of migrant women’s social support in metropolitan China, Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work, DOI: 10.1177/0886109916657135

Liu, M. (2015). An ecological review of literature on factors influencing working mothers’ child care arrangements. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 24(1), 161-167.

Liu, M, Chen, M., & Anderson, S. (2014). Factors influencing childcare-related maternal work exits, Children and Youth Services Review, 46, 168-176

Anderson, S., & Liu, M., Liao, M. (2012). Subsidized child care by grandparents: Profiles of caregivers in an emerging public service context. Journal of Aging and Women, 25, 242–259.

Liu, M., & Anderson, S. (2012). Neighborhood effects on working mothers’ child care arrangements. Children and Youth Services Review, 34(4), 740-747.

Liu, M., Sun, F., & Anderson, S. (2012). Challenges in social work field education in China: Lessons from the Western experience. Social Work Education, 32(2), 176-196.

Nebbitt, V., & Liu, M. (2012). Divergent social worlds: Neighborhood Crime and the Racial–Spatial Divide, by Peterson, R. D. & Krivo, L. J., Journal of Community Practice, 20(4), 505-508.

Liu, M., & Anderson, S. (2010). Understanding caregiving patterns, motivations, and resource needs of subsidized FFN child care providers. Child Welfare, 89, 99-119.

Liu, M. (2009). Addressing the mental health problems of Chinese international students in the United States, Advances in Social Work, 10, 69-86