Masoud Kavoossi
Professor & Fulbright-Johaness Kepler Distinguished Chair
- Finance & International Business
- School of Business
Dr. Masoud Kavoossi, PhD. Prof. Kavoossi is a tenured professor of international business, international business strategy and International Management and International Business and Development at Howard University in Washington. He has had graduate and undergraduate appointments at American University, Washington, DC, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, Washington DC. He was a vising Professor at the R.H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland. He is a recipient of four fellowships, including senior Int’l Affairs/ International Business Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) NY. He was a GWU_CIBER Fellow, Salzburg Seminar Fellow, Austria, and Senior International Affairs fellow Intellisia, China. He served as a Senior Policy and Research Advisor to the Development Center, OECD, Paris; France, 2017-18. Invited guest professor of international bus., INSEEC Graduate School, France. He is a quadruple Fulbright awardees’, in addition to the 2003-04, Fulbright-Johannes Kepler Distinguished Chair Professor of International Business in Austria, two Fulbright Scholar in Finland and a Fulbright Specialist. He is a quadruple Ordinary Distinguished University Professor of International Business, awarded/appointed. Distinguished University Chair Professor at Shandong Institute of Business and Technology (SIBT) P.R. China-. Distinguished University Chair Professor of International Business at Southwestern University of Finance Economics (SWUFE), P.R. China, and a Distinguished University Chair Professor of Intl Business at Beijing Wuzi University in China. A visiting Scholar/lecturer to the Mikkeli and Kuopio Polytechnic University Intercultural Business Program, Finland. In addition, he has been appointed as a Senior External Advisor for internationalization at the University of South Africa (UNISA). He has been an invited speaker in India and University of Free State, S. Africa among others. Dr. Kavoossi received his Ph.D. from the Catholic University of America in Washington DC. MA. American University, Washington. DC. BA, International Affairs from Bowie State University, Md. His international business academic/research background covers the spectrum of International Affairs, International Political Economy, and the geopolitical and institutional contexts of international business issues pertaining to the Emerging Economies and the Middle East, with an emphasis on the Persian Gulf. He is the author of a book on Globalization of Business & the Middle East. He has served as the Guest Editor of several publications, including, the International Journal of Commerce and Management, and as an Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Global Business and Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal; Associate Editor Journal of Asia Pacific Business. Kavoossi is a frequent contributor to several books on international business. His 100+articles have been published in European Journal of Management, (IJTS), the Journal of Teaching in International Business, Business Economics, the Journal of Business and Economic Studies, the Journal of International Consumer Marketing, Middle East Insight, The Discovery Channel magazine, the Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing, Foreign Trade magazine, Diplomat. Policy notes on green investment: Energy investment and carbon pricing in emerging markets. OECD (2019) among others. Invited keynote speaker at US State Department, International leadership Program. An Int’l Finance Corporation Consultant