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Headshot photo of Linda G Jones

Linda G Jones

Assistant Dean

  • Graduate School
  • Graduate School


After earning a degree in Economics, Linda Jones became a commissioned officer in the USAF and left the Washington, DC area for Wright Patterson AFB, OH. There, she was a project manager for avionics systems. Promoted to captain, she relocated to El Segundo, CA to fill a cost analyst position for the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program. She earned a Masters in Science in Management while living in California.

After nine years, Linda decided it was time to return home to Washington, DC. She applied for position at Howard University, Assistant Director for Support Services, and was hired in 1990. Her talents were sought by cabinet-level executives and deans, and she has been blessed with all subsequent positons being created to attract her to their units at the University. Her most proud accomplishments are establishing a nationally-certified non-profit leadership program at Howard University which attracted undergraduate students across the campus and advising the campus Student Parent Support Group designed for students who became parents either before or while matriculating through Howard University.  With support, these students graduated within five years and all are doing well. She stays connected with them on Facebook.

In 2011, Dr. Linda Jones earned a Ph.D. in Mass Communication and Media Studies with research foci in civic engagement and Internet.  She was also inducted into the Golden Key International Honor Society.

Currently, she is the Assistant Dean for Administration and Finance in the Howard University Graduate School and the principal investigator of the Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit Fellowship Program.  She has written proposals and managed grants funded by the Thurgood Marshall Fund, American Humanics (now known as the Nonprofit Leaders Alliance), the College Board, the National Park Service and the Pew Charitable Trust.