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Headshot photo of Lennox Alexander Graham

Lennox Alexander Graham

Assistant Professor

  • Health Management
  • College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences


Dr. Lennox A. Graham is an innovative educator and practitioner with extensive experience in the design, delivery, evaluation, and enhancement of effective instructional programs and management assessment models. He is a highly articulate and effective communicator with excellent team building and interpersonal skills; working well with individuals at all levels to accomplish strategic goals. As an Associate Health Manager and Outreach Director, he developed and expanded programs for scientific research; assisted in the education of new doctors in teaching hospitals; developed procedures for quality assurance, patient services, medical treatments, department activities and public relations outreach; and he has also participated in fundraising and community health planning.

At Howard University, Dr. Graham initiated the Hayes Senior Wellness Academy Program at the Hayes Ward 6 Senior Wellness Center (reminiscent of a community-based teaching laboratory), where he worked to get seniors involved in speaking on "subjects of specialty" based on their life experiences. He also conceived, developed and actualized the Community Alliance for Research Engagement (CARE) group. Collaborating members of the CARE group included 12 pastors in the immediate neighborhoods of Howard University. Dr. Graham provided the framework for engaging the congregations at related churches into clinical trials at Howard University. Dr. Graham's training, inclusive of his Master of Science Degree in Education and his Doctoral Degree in Management and Organizational Leadership, have equipped him for leadership. Dr. Graham has several notable awards which affirm the significance of his experience; and he understands and acts with integrity in all of his pursuits.