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Profile Picture - Kenneth Anderson

Kenneth Alonzo Anderson

Associate Provost, Undergraduate Studies

  • Office of the Provost
  • School of Education
  • Initiative Lead
    Howard Forward: Enhance Academic Excellence


Dr. Kenneth Alonzo Anderson, a former middle school teacher, earned a Ph.D. in Curriculum & Instruction, with a minor in Educational Research and Policy Analysis from North Carolina State University in 2005. Anderson has also completed additional statistical training at Northwestern University, Stanford University, and the University of Michigan. Anderson is Associate Provost of Undergraduate Studies and Professor in the School of Education at Howard University. Anderson also served as Senior Research Scientist with the CNA's Institute for Public Research.

Anderson’s primary research interests include using classical statistics, data science, and machine learning algorithms to examine school safety and other education policies that aspire to improve schools. Evolving interests include artificial intelligence and natural language processing, linear algebra for statistical learning, and parametric experimentation for deep learning.

Anderson is noted for his ability to conduct large-scale data analysis, translate results, and provide professional development for practitioners and policymakers. In 2020, Anderson was invited by the National Institute of Justice to serve as a contributor on a report to Congress on school policing. Working through the United States Department of Education’s Regional Education Laboratory (REL) Appalachia, Anderson served as Principal Investigator on a longitudinal, statewide disciplinary data analysis project with the Virginia Department of Education to inform strategies for minimizing suspensions and referrals to law enforcement.

Anderson co-authored a policy brief on school safety and SROs and his research has appeared in journals such as Journal of Teacher EducationTeachers College Record, Middle Grades Review, Journal of Negro Education, and Journal of Computer Science Integration. Anderson also conducted a statewide evaluation of the relationship between increased use of school resource officers and school safety outcomes. Anderson has served as Principal Investigator, Co-Principal Investigator, or Senior Personnel on externally funded projects from organizations such as the U.S. Department of Education, National Science Foundation, and the American Educational Research Association.



Education & Expertise


Curriculum and Instruction (Minor: Educational Research and Policy Analysis)

North Carolina State University

Business Education

University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Business and Marketing Education

University of North Carolina at Greensboro


Education Policy, School Safety/Discipline, Computational Literacy

Published Articles and Presentations

Published Articles and Presentations

Policy Brief: Safety and School Resource Officers: Framing a Legislative Agenda

Teacher Certification and Teacher Effectiveness

School Safety Research Brief

Policing and Middle School: An Evaluation of a Statewide School Resource Officer Policy

Lessons Learned from a District-wide Implementation of a Computer Science Initiative in the District of Columbia Public Schools