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Dr. Joycelyn L. Hughes-Moulden

Joycelyn L. Hughes-Moulden, Ed.D


  • Office of General Education, Office of Undergraduate Studies


As a devoted and innovative educator with over 20 years of experience in K-12 and higher education institutions, I have earned a reputation for my commitment to academic excellence, culturally-sound educational experiences, equity, inclusion, and empowerment throughout my career.

In my various roles and contributions to education and education leadership, along with my scholarly experiences and contributions, I have always prided myself on my "Hands-On, Real-Time, Direct-Impact" mentality that informs my successful execution of initiatives that aim to challenge education trends that do not allow students to thrive and marginalize diverse communities. Similarly, I have participated in mastermind events to assist institutions and organizations in rethinking their internal cultures, their internal systems, how they affect retention and graduation rates, and how to structure professional development and utilize technology to ensure that their students, faculty, and staff are provided with excellent educational experiences.

In addition to serving as a mastermind for educational institutions, I have assisted students in achieving their career goals, as well as assisting others with their research endeavors through mentorship, proofreading, and supporting them during their graduate and doctoral studies. I have also served as a mastermind for educational institutions. 

Having earned my Master's degree in Education (Urban Education focus) from Holy Names University in Oakland, California, where my research honed in on the professional experiences of Black teachers and the academic outcomes of their Black students, and earned my doctorate in Educational Leadership and Policy from Howard University, I offer a wealth of knowledge in culturally competent education, policy development and implementation and leadership development to advise institutions on how to stand out as inclusive and strategic institutions dedicated to preparing their students to be progressive and impactful contributors to the global community. 

About the Hughes Moulden Institute
The Hughes Moulden Institute is a developing publishing company dedicated to amplifying diverse and inclusive scholars' educational and sociopolitical expertise. Additionally, we provide educational institutions with cutting-edge resources and strategies for culturally responsive curricula, pedagogy, and andragogy.

Connect with Dr. Hughes-Moulden:

LinkedIn: (24) Joycelyn Hughes-Moulden, Ed.D. | LinkedIn

Education & Expertise


Educational Leadership & Policy (African-Centered Education Focus)

Howard University - School of Education, Department of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies


Masters in Education (Urban Focus)
Holy Names University

Interdisciplinary Humanities

Bachelors of Arts
New College of California


African Centered Education

Ethics in Educational Leadership

Black Women in Educational Leadership

Undergraduate Studies

Curriculum Development

Educational Leadership and Policy




African-Centered Education (K-12), Historically Black Colleges and Universities



Certified for Superintendency (Howard University / American Association of School Administrators)

The Urban Superintendents Academy is a cross-institutional partnership offering a dynamic approach to preparation and certification for urban superintendents. Howard University and AASA, The School Superintendents Association, partnered to bolster the effectiveness of school district leadership in America's urban areas.

Provost's Distinguished Service Award