Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Connecticut
Dr. Hassan Salmani is an Associate Professor in the electrical engineering and computer science department at Howard University, Washington DC. His main research projects are currently on hardware security and trust and the Internet of Things security. Dr. Salmani has published two books entitled “Trusted Digital Circuits: Hardware Trojan Vulnerabilities, Prevention and Detection” and “Integrated Circuit Authentication: Hardware Trojans and Counterfeit Detection” and papers on design for hardware assurance. He has actively served the computer security society as a program committee member for conferences such as HOST, ICCD, iSES, GVLSI, a session chair at DAC and ICCD, and a reviewer for IEEE Transaction on Computers, IEEE Design and Test, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS), Elsevier Computer and Electrical Engineering, and several others. Dr. Salmani is a member of the IEEE, ACM, and SAE G19A Tampered Subgroup.
University of Connecticut
Sharif University of Technology
Iran University of Science and Technology