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Headshot photo of Earl B. Ettienne

Earl B. Ettienne, BScPharm, MBA, LP.D.

Assistant Dean of Graduate Programs and Industrial Partnerships

  • Dean's Office
  • College of Pharmacy
  • Graduate School
  • Associate Professor
    Clinical & Administrative Pharmacy Sciences
  • Co-Chair Medical IRB
    Research Regulatory Compliance
  • Member of Executive Council
    Center for Women, Gender and Global Leadership


Dr. Earl Ettienne is a licensed pharmacist, pharmacy and healthcare executive, researcher, and educator. He holds a degree in Pharmacy from the Howard University College of Pharmacy, a Residency Certificate in Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy from The Mt. Sinai Medical Center, New York, a certificate in Health Disparities: A Translational Research Approach from NIH/University of Puerto Ricoa Master’s in Business Administration from Loyola University, Maryland, certificate in Finance from Bryant University, Rhode Island and a Doctorate in Law and Policy from Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts where his doctoral work included using econometric analyses to make policy decisions at the country level. He is currently the Director of Graduate Programs and Industry Partnerships and an Associate Professor in Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy Sciences at the Howard University College of Pharmacy, serves as the Co-Chair of the University’s Institutional Review Board, is published, and is currently developing innovative programs at the graduate level in pharmacy surrounding genomics, policy, regulatory and medical affairs. 

Prior to joining Howard University, Dr. Ettienne handled pharmacy operations and local government affairs in the Washington DC Metro Market for CVS Caremark, a Fortune 20 company with sales in excess of 75 billion dollars. He is a proven leader and has worked to craft, facilitate, and implement many pieces of legislation at both the federal and local levels. He testified before the United States Congress on the implementation of Medicare Part D representing the chain drug industry and before the DC City Council on technician licensing, pseudoephedrine diversion, vaccine administration by pharmacists, and the opioid use disorder crisis. Furthermore, he worked with the DC Board of Pharmacy to write and implement new regulations governing pharmacy practice. He sat on the Economic Advisory Council for Washington DC, the Board of Visitors for Howard University, the Loyola University Executive Alumni Association, the Pharmacy, and Therapeutics Committee for Washington DC and the Maryland Health Quality and Cost Council Cultural Competency Workgroup.

Dr. Ettienne has led research teams both locally and globally with the aim of using pharmacogenomics to improve clinical decision support in comorbid depression and diabetes, asthma management, opioid use disorder, and the use of traditional medicine. As a result of his work, he has participated in numerous poster and oral presentations, winning accolades for the “Best Overall Poster Presentation by Junior Faculty” and “First Place Oral Presentation.”

Dr. Ettienne is passionate about people, is a lifelong learner, and has decided that health equity can be achieved using genomics. He firmly believes that combining his vast business and clinical expertise enhances the classroom experience and development of the next generation of practitioners.

Education & Expertise


Dr. Law and Policy

Northeastern University

Business Administration

Loyola University


Howard University


Pharmacy Management, Pharmaceutical Law & Policy, Pharmacy Operations, Research, Pharmacogenomics & Policy, Business, Strategic Planning, Regulatory Affairs, Talent Development



Principles of Pharmacy Administration

This course is an expansive and in-depth Introduction to Pharmacy Administration. It facilitates the student’s management and leadership training by introducing them to a comprehensive overview of management and leadership principles, concepts and practices in pharmacy-based environments. The course further addresses the economic, administrative, entrepreneurial, innovative and human resource aspects of pharmacy practice while furthering students’ knowledge on details about the US Health Care System from a pharmacist perspective.

Pharmacy Care Management

This course is an expansive and in-depth exploration of Pharmacy Care Management within the US healthcare system. It facilitates the graduate student’s management and leadership training by introducing them to a comprehensive overview of management and leadership principles, concepts and practices in pharmacy based environments. The course further addresses the social, organizational and economic aspects of healthcare delivery while allowing the student to model real world applications. 

Making Medicines

“Making Medicines: The Process of Drug Development” is an eLearning course in collaboration with a team of academic leaders designed to deliver a scientific education curriculum highlighting the fundamental processes and rigor drug manufacturers undertake to research, develop, and deliver new medicines to patients. In this course, you will explore how a new drug is developed from the initial concept to the patient. The goal of the course is to provide an opportunity for individuals with an interest in a health-related field and medical research to learn the processes required to discover and develop drugs, that will ultimately provide a benefit to meet unmet medical needs, with minimal risk. 

Pharmacy Jurisprudence

This course involves an examination of the laws and regulatory issues pertaining to the practice of pharmacy.  Specifically, the course will focus on pertinent sections of the federal Controlled Substances Act, Food Drug and Cosmetic Act and other federal law, as well as an overview of pharmacy laws applicable in the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia.  The course is designed to assist students in preparing for and passing the MPJE. 

Pharmacy Law and Policy

This is a survey course in U.S. Pharmaceutical and Health policy and law. It begins by describing the basic machinery of policymaking and legal process that underpin the individual health care and public health systems and then turns to an exploration of many of the fundamental problems and contemporary issues in pharmaceutical/health policy and law.




Pharmacy Administration, Policy, Implementation Science, Regulatory Affairs, Pharmacogenomics



HRSA 22-042 Howard University Center of Excellence (HRSA) 2022-2027

PHIT4DC The Public Health Informatics & Technology (PHIT) Workforce Development Program 2022-2025

Howard/Sanofi Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022-2025

Amgen/Howard Doctoral Fellowship- Global Regulatory Affairs and Medical Affairs 2022-2025

GlaxoSmithKline/Howard University Medical Affairs Fellowship 2022-2025

Pfizer/Howard University Global Labeling Management/Global Medical Information Fellowship 2022-2025

Jansen/Howard Fellowship Development in Medical Information/Medical Affairs/Real-World Value and Evidence 2021-2025

AbbVie/Howard Fellowship Development in Medical Affairs and Medical Information 2021-2025

AstraZeneca/Howard Fellowship Development in Medical Affairs/Oncology 2021-2025

Genentech, Fellowship Development in Regulatory Policy 2020-2025

Pharmacogenomic Decision-Making Pathway in the Optimal Management of Opioids in Patients with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) 2021-2022

GlaxoSmithKline/Howard/FDA Regulatory Affairs/Policy Fellowship 2018-2025

District of Columbia Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF) (2018) -- Medication Assisted Treatment Genomic Registry Grant

Lilly USA Courseware Grant on Drug Development (2017-2019) -- Making Medicines: The Process of Drug Development

Howard University National Workforce Diversity Grant (Sep 2015 - Sep 2021) -- National Workforce Diversity Pipeline Program 

Pfizer Regulatory Affairs Fellowship (Jul 2015 - Jul 2018) -- Designing and Implementing a Regulatory Affairs Fellowship

MHIRT (T37) Grant: NIMHD RFA-MD-13-002 (Sep 2013 - Aug 2018) -- Minority Health and Health Disparities International Research Training





Chauncey I Cooper, Distinguished Alumnus Award for Outstanding Service in Pharmacy & Healthcare

Cardinal Health Generation Rx Champions Award

Washington D.C. Pharmacists Association (WDCPhA), 2018

Most Outstanding Presentation in the Area of Translational & Clinical Sciences in the Junior Faculty Category Award. Research Symposium Howard University.

Research Symposium, Howard University, 2017

Howard University College of Pharmacy Alumni Legacy by Decades" Award

Best Overall Poster Presentation

Advancing Computational Biology Symposium, Gallaudet University, 2016

Most Outstanding Presentation by a Junior Faculty Researcher

Howard University Research Day, 2014

Paragon Award for Operational Excellence

CVS/Caremark, 2005

Excellence in Execution Award

CVS/Caremark, 2003

Trailblazer Award

National Press Club, 2000

Howard Bovell Excellence in Pharmacy Award

Howard University College of Pharmacy, 1991

Upjohn Pharmaceutical Sciences Award

Howard University College of Pharmacy, 1991

Mylan Pharmaceuticals Excellence in Pharmacy Award

Howard University College of Pharmacy, 1991

Published Articles and Presentations

Published Articles and Presentations

Factors Associated with Prescribing Broad-Spectrum Antibiotics for Children with Upper Respiratory Tract Infections in Ambulatory Care Settings

Alzahrani, M. S., Maneno, M. K., Daftary, M. N., Wingate, L. M., & Ettienne, E. B. (2018). Factors Associated with Prescribing Broad-Spectrum Antibiotics for Children with Upper Respiratory Tract Infections in Ambulatory Care Settings. Clinical Medicine Insights: Pediatrics, 12, 1179556518784300.

Patient perceptions of a pharmacy star rating model

Warholak, T. L., Patel, M., Rosenthal, M., West-Strum, D., Ettienne, E. B., Nunlee-Bland, G., ... & Hincapie, A. L. (2017). Patient perceptions of a pharmacy star rating model. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association, 57(3), 311-317.

Pharmacogenomics and OUD: Clinical Decision Support in an African American Cohort.

Ettienne, E. B., Ofoegbu, A., Maneno, M. K., Briggs, J., Ezeude, G., Williams, S., ... & Chapman, E. (2019). Pharmacogenomics and OUD: Clinical Decision Support in an African American Cohort. Journal of the National Medical Association.

Pharmacogenomics-guided policy in opioid use disorder (OUD) management: An ethnically-diverse case-based approach

Ettienne, E. B., Chapman, E., Maneno, M., Ofoegbu, A., Wilson, B., Settles-Reaves, B., ... & Rosenblatt, K. (2017). Pharmacogenomics-guided policy in opioid use disorder (OUD) management: An ethnically-diverse case-based approach. Addictive behaviors reports, 6, 8-14.

Opioid Metabolizing Enzyme Allele Frequencies and Drug Use in a Cohort of African American Young Adults

Wilson, B. D., Ettienne, E. B., Apprey, V., Ofeogbu, A., Abbas, M., Dunston, G. M., & Saadatmand, F. Opioid Metabolizing Enzyme Allele Frequencies and Drug Use in a Cohort of African American Young Adults.

Pharmaceutical Care Coordination and Genomics in Emerging Markets: A Business Case for Ghana.

Ettienne, E., Ofoegbu, A., Wingate, L., Dunston, G., & Augusto, J. (2015). Pharmaceutical Care Coordination and Genomics in Emerging Markets: A Business Case for Ghana. International Academy of Business Review, 1(1), 60-70.

Pharmacogenomics and Morphine.

Ofoegbu, Adaku, Ettienne, E.B. “Pharmacogenomics and Morphine. The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 2021 April 8, DOI: 10.1002/jcph.1873

An evaluation of hepatitis C knowledge and correlations with health belief model constructs among African American “baby boomers”

Rashrash, M. E., Maneno, M. K., Wutoh, A. K., Ettienne, E. B., & Daftary, M. N. (2016). An evaluation of hepatitis C knowledge and correlations with health belief model constructs among African American “baby boomers”. Journal of infection and public health, 9(4), 436-442.


Malhani, M. A., Maneno, M. K., Ettienne, E. B., Wingate, L., Lee, C., Chang, J., ... & Dagenais, S. (2016). 10. PHP93-FACTORS AFFECTING ADOPTION OF COMPUTERIZED PHYSICIAN ORDER ENTRY SYSTEM. Value in Health, 19(3), A1-A346.

Cost- effectiveness analysis of nevirapine vs. Ritonavir-boosted lopinavir in hiv-infected children with peripartum nevirapine exposure, in resource-constrained areas from a payer’s perspective

Godwin, O., Ettienne, E. B., & Brown, L. M. (2015). Cost-effectiveness analysis of nevirapine vs. Ritonavir-boosted lopinavir in hiv-infected children with peripartum nevirapine exposure, in resource-constrained areas from a payer’s perspective. Value in Health, 18(3), A240.

Evaluation of knowledge of the new Pregnancy and Lactation Labeling Rule among pharmacists and physicians.

Alem, G., Awuonda, M., Haastrup, D., Anyiwo, A., Daftary, M., & Ettienne, E. (2022). Evaluation of knowledge of the new Pregnancy and Lactation Labeling Rule among pharmacists and physicians. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association62(2), 427-431

Neurology’s vital role in preventing unnecessary and potentially harmful pediatric studies.

Rose, K., Ettienne, E. B., Grant-Kels, J. M., Striano, P., Neubauer, D., & Tanjinatus, O. (2022). Neurology’s vital role in preventing unnecessary and potentially harmful pediatric studies. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics22(3), 209-219. 

Comment on: A review of the experience with pediatric written requests issued for oncology drug products.

Rose, K., Grant-Kels, J. M., Ettienne, E. B., Tanjinatus, O., Striano, P., & Neubauer, D. Comment on: A review of the experience with pediatric written requests issued for oncology drug products. Pediatric blood & cancer, e28972. 

Delayed Presentation of Non-COVID-19 Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic Is Not Limited to Children.

Rose, K., Tanjinatus, O., Grant-Kels, J., Ettienne, E. B., & Striano, P. (2021). Delayed Presentation of Non-COVID-19 Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic Is Not Limited to Children. Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal12(3)

“COVID-19 and Treatment and Immunization of Children—The Time to Redefine Pediatric Age Groups is Here”

Rose, K., Grant-Kels, J., Ettienne, E., Tanjinatus, O., Striano, P., & Neubauer, D. “COVID-19 and Treatment and Immunization of Children—The Time to Redefine Pediatric Age Groups is Here” 2021 March 25 Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal

“Comment on: A review of the experience with pediatric written requests issued for oncology drug products

Rose, K., Grant-Kels, J., Ettienne, E., Tanjinatus, O., Striano, P., & Neubauer, D. (2021). “Comment on: A review of the experience with pediatric written requests issued for oncology drug products. Pediatric Blood & Cancer 2021 February 22

The Term “Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA)” is Misleading. It Will not be Sufficient to Just Replace this Term.

Rose, K., Tanjinatus, O., & Ettienne, E. B. (2021). The Term “Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA)” is Misleading. It Will not be Sufficient to Just Replace this Term. Pharmaceutical Medicine 2021, January 16

“Minors and a Dawning Paradigm Shift in “Pediatric” Drug Development”. The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology

Rose, K., Tanjinatus, O., Grant‐Kels, J., Ettienne, E. B., Striano, P., & Neubauer, D. “Minors and a Dawning Paradigm Shift in “Pediatric” Drug Development”. The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2020 December, 23

Patterns of Hepatitis C-Related Inpatient Mortality in the United States in the Era of Direct-Acting Antivirals.

Alzarani MS, Maneno MK, Daftary MN, Wingate LT, Ettienne EB, Howell CD. Patterns of Hepatitis C-Related Inpatient Mortality in the United States in the Era of Direct-Acting Antivirals. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Research 2020 June 21; 9(3): 1-7.

Development and Validation of Amharic Version of the Simplified Medication Adherence Questionnaire among Literate Amharic Speaking Persons an Urban Teaching Hospital.

Al Matari RA, Maneno MK, Daftary MN, Wingate LT, Ettienne EB. Development and Validation of Amharic Version of the Simplified Medication Adherence Questionnaire among Literate Amharic Speaking Persons an Urban Teaching Hospital. Int J Case Rep Short Rev. 2019; 5(1): 001-005.

The Economic Impact of Herpes Zoster Vaccine Disparities in Elderly United States Blacks.

Wingate, L., Stubbs, K., Ahmed, I., Mayaka, R., Maneno, M., Ettienne, E., Elekwachi, O., et al. (2018). The Economic Impact of Herpes Zoster Vaccine Disparities in Elderly United States Blacks. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(10), 2128. MDPI AG. Retrieved from

Evaluation of Adherence and its Predictors Among Persons of Ethiopian Descent in Washington DC.

AL-Matari, R. A., Maneno, M. K., Daftary, M., Ettienne, E. B., Wingate, L. T., & Hailemeskel, B. (2018). Evaluation of Adherence and its Predictors Among Persons of Ethiopian Descent in Washington DC. Value in Health, 21, S112.

Public choice theory and rhetoric: advancing pharmacogenomics through health policy in Africa.

Ettienne, E., Ofoegbu, A., Maneno, M., Dunston, G., Kurian, P., Wilson, B. D... & Augusto, J. (2017). Public choice theory and rhetoric: advancing pharmacogenomics through health policy in Africa. African Journal of Rhetoric, 9(1), 119-142.

Hybrid e-learning approach to health policy

Weaver, S. B., Oji, V., Ettienne, E., Stolpe, S., & Maneno, M. (2014). Hybrid e-learning approach to health policy. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 6(2), 313-322.