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Dr. Debanjana Das, Research Scientist

Dr. Debanjana Das, Ph.D (She/her)

  • College of Arts & Sciences


Dr. Debanjana Das is a climate scientist and interdisciplinary performing artist. Currently, she holds the position of Research Scientist at Howard University's NOAA Center in Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology. She leads research projects on climate extremes, and global climate change, conducting numerical experiments using global models, and their implications for climate justice. Before her current role, she worked as a researcher at the University of Texas, Austin, and at George Mason University. She obtained her Ph.D. and Master's degree from the University of Calcutta, India. She engages in research projects fostering collaborations with faith-based indigenous communities and the Weather Water Enterprise. She integrates her scientific expertise with her artistic abilities, utilizing dance as a powerful medium to facilitate climate conversations and promote dialogue about climate justice. She also has years of experience in research, teaching, and management, including organizing workshops and providing training. She is passionate about communicating crucial and complex climate information to a broader audience, integrating my background in science and arts. She received the AMS policy program award - Hooke fellowship in policy and leadership in 2022. Other than scientific research I also worked in stage and film production as an artistic director, choreographer, and executive production designer for a number of notable Indian movies. 

Education & Expertise


Ph.D in Atmospheric Science

M.Sc in Atmospheric Science

B.Sc in Chemistry





Climate Variability and Extremes, Climate,Energy,Water



Published Articles and Presentations

Published Articles and Presentations