Texas Tech University

Amanda S. Hinojosa (She/Her)
Associate Professor
- Management
- School of Business
Dr. Amanda Hinojosa is an assistant professor of management in the Howard University School of Business. Her research focuses on the intersection of work & family, leader-follower relations, and employee job search and recruitment. Her research has been published in journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management, The Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Applied Psychology, and Organization Science. In 2016 her research on professional image maintenance among pregnant women was recognized as the Best Paper in the Academy of Management Journal, a top publication for management research. This paper was also recognized as a finalist for the Rosabeth Moss Kanter award for work-family research.
Dr. Hinojosa has taught courses in organizational behavior, human resource management, staffing, and compensation. Prior to joining the faculty at Howard University, Dr. Hinojosa taught courses for the undergraduate and graduate programs in human resource management as an assistant professor at the University of Houston-Clear Lake. Dr. Hinojosa earned her Ph.D. from Texas Tech University. She also holds an MBA and a Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Family Studies.
Areas of expertise
- The Work-Life Interface
- Leadership, Leader-Follower Interactions
- Human Resources
- Recruiting
- Cognitive Dissonance Theory
- Ph.D., in Business Administration, Concentration in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, Texas Tech University
- M.B.A., Concentration in Entrepreneurship, Texas Tech University
- Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Family Studies, Texas Tech University
Education & Expertise
MGT 301: Management & Organizational Behavior
MGT 302: Advanced Organizational Behavior
MGT 303: Human Resource Management
Leadership, leader-follower interactions, human resources, recruitment, job search, work-family interaction, pregnancy in the workplace, cognitive dissonance theoryPublished Articles and Presentations
Published Articles and Presentations
Applying the Challenge-Hindrance Stressor Framework to Doctoral Education
Managing the harmful effects of unsupportive organizations during pregnancy.
A Dyadic Approach to Examining the Emotional Intelligence–Work Outcome Relationship: The Mediating Role of LMX
An Andragogical Approach to Teaching Leadership
Make Them Feel: How the Disclosure of Pregnancy to a Supervisor Leads to Changes in Perceived Supervisor Support
A Review of Cognitive Dissonance Theory in Management Research: Opportunities for Further Development
Prerecruitment organizational perceptions and recruitment website information processing
Professional Image Maintenance: How Women Navigate Pregnancy in the Workplace
Emotional responses of leaders to passive versus active members
Leader and follower attachment styles: Implications for authentic leader–follower relationships
A strange situation indeed: Fostering leader–follower attachment security during unprecedented crisis
Recruitment: The Role of Job Advertisements
Sage Video: Leadership collection
Dr. Hinojosa recorded the following tutorials as part of the Sage Video collection on Leadership. Leader-Member Exchange Theory… Interactions: The Role of Emotions… Five Factor Model and Leaders at the Brooklyn Community Foundation… Leadership-The Case of Bay Ridge Center…
Washington Informer
Dr. Hinojosa was quoted in the following article:Companies Should End Job Interview Process, Psychologist Says…
Working While Pregnant: How Women Cope with Unsupportive Organizations…
Understanding and Recognizing Bias in the Workplace
English version… version…
Avoiding Bias and Making an Informed Decision When Hiring
English Version… Version…